Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) Perencanaan guru dalam pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Muhammadiyah I Karanganyar (2) Pelakasanaan guru dalam pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Muhammadiyah I Karanganyar (3) Evaluasi pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Muhammadiyah I Karanganyar (4) Kendala pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Muhammadiyah I Karanganyar. Sejalan dengan tujuan penelitian ini, maka peneliti menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan bentuk kualitatif. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan strategi tunggal terpancang. Teknik cuplikan Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah narasumber (informan), dokumen dan tempat atau lokasi peristiwa. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Validitas data dengan menggunakan triangulasi data. Sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis interaktif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) Perencanaan guru dalam pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Muhammadiyah I Karanganyar kelas XI IPS meliputi empat langkah yaitu : (a) Pemetaan kompetensi dasar. (b) Penjabaran kompetensi dasar ke dalam indikator. (c) Menentukan metode dan strategi pembelajaran.(d) merancang langkah-langkah pembelajaran. (e) Menentukan bentuk evaluasi pembelajaran sejarah. (2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Muhammadiyah I Karanganyar kelas XI IPS terdapat empat tahap yaitu: (a) Tahap persiapan, (b) Tahap penyajian bahan , (c) Tahap evaluasi materi, (d) Tahap penutup. (3) Evaluasi Pembelajaran sejarah di SMA Muhammadiyah I Karanganyar kelas XI IPS menggunakan model evaluasi formatif dan sumatif. (4) Kendala yang dialami guru pada pembelajaran Sejarah di SMA Muhammadiyah I Karanganyar adalah: (1) Aspek guru : (a) Guru mendominasi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode ceramah. (b) Rendahnya input siswa SMA Muhammadiyah I Karanganyar kelas XI IPS. (2) Aspek siswa : (a) siswa kurang aktif dalam pembelajaran.(b) siswa kurang termotivasi dalam pembelajaran sejarah. (3) Metode : (a) Metode yang digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran sejarah masih didominasi metode ceramah Kata kunci: Pembelajaran, Sejarah, SMA Muhammadiyah I Karanganyar
The objectives of this research are to investigate: (1) the teacher’s planning in the History learning in Grade XI of Social Science Program of Muhammadiyah Senior Secondary School 1 of Karanganyar; (2) the teacher’s implementation in the History learning in Grade XI of Social Science Program of Muhammadiyah Senior Secondary School 1 of Karanganyar; (3) the evaluation in the History learning in Grade XI of Social Science Program of Muhammadiyah Senior Secondary School 1 of Karanganyar; and (4) the constraints encountered in the History learning in Grade XI of Social Science Program of Muhammadiyah Senior Secondary School 1 of Karanganyar. This research used the descriptive qualitative research method. It employed the embedded single case study strategy. The samples of research were taken by using the purposive sampling technique. Its sources of data were informants, documents, places, and events. The data of research were collected through in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. They were validated by using the data triangulation and analyzed by using the interactive model of analysis. The results of research are as follows: 1) The teachers’ planning in the History learning in Grade XI of Social Science Program of Muhammadiyah Senior Secondary School 1 of Karanganyar includes the following four measures: (a) Mapping the basic competencies; (b) Elaborating or translating the basic competencies into indicators; (c) Determining the learning methods and strategies; (d) Designing the learning steps; and (e) Determining the History learning evaluation forms. 2) The teacher’s implementation in the History learning in Grade XI of Social Science Program of Muhammadiyah Senior Secondary School 1 of Karanganyar includes the following four phases: (a) Preparation; (b) Learning material presentation; (c) Learning material evaluation; and (d) Closing. 3) The evaluation in the History learning in Grade XI of Social Science Program of Muhammadiyah Senior Secondary School 1of Karanganyar uses the formative and summative evaluation models. 4) The constraints encountered by the teacher in the History learning in Grade XI of Social Science Program of Muhammadiyah Senior Secondary School 1 of Karanganyar are as follows: (1) Teacher’s aspects: (a) The teacher dominates the learning activities with the lecturing method, and (b) the students have low preliminary abilities (2) Students’ aspects: (a) The students are less active in the History learning process, and (b) the students are less motivated in the History learning process; and (3) Learning method: (a) The teacher uses the lecturing method dominantly in the History learning process. Keywords: Learning, History, Muhammadiyah Senior Secondary School 1 of Karanganyar