Anggerhana Denni Rahmawati, 2015. The Efforts in Providing Good
Services for Tourists by Tourist Information Center of Sinergi Event
Surakarta. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Cultural and Sciences,
Sebelas Maret University.
This final project report was written based on the job training activity
which was done by the writer in the TIC of Sinergi Event Surakarta from 11
August 2014 and ended on 27 September 2014. The writer used observation,
interview, and literature study in the process of collecting the data.
The objectives of this final project report are to describe how to provide
good services for tourists by TIC of Sinergi Event Surakarta and to find out the
problems and the solutions in providing good services in Sinergi Event Surakarta.
The result of this final project report shows that the efforts of TIC of
Sinergi Event in providing good services to the tourists are by doing various
activities such as by applying several work principles and providing several
media. The media provided are printed media, electronic media, making
cooperation with the rent car office, driving Jaladara Loco Steam around Solo,
and offering souvenirs.
TIC of Sinergi Event gets problems while providing good services to the
tourists. The problems related to human resources, they are: the inability of TIC
staffs to speak another language unless English and lack of the discipline. The
solutions based on the writer’s observation during the job training are TIC office
needs to recruit staffs who can speak more than one foreign language and to make
written regulations for the discipline of TIC staffs.