Latar Belakang: Online game cukup populer menjadi sumber hiburan di seluruh dunia, termasuk di Indonesia.Online gamememiliki daya tarikyang membuat orang semakin ingin memainkannya, seperti grafis tiga dimensi (3D), aspek sosial dan kompetitif, serta permainan yang berjalan secara real-time.Beberapa penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa bermain online game secara berlebihan memiliki dampak yang buruk untuk kesehatan jiwa dari pemain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara durasi bermain online game dan jenis gamedengan tingkat depresi pada pengunjung dewasa muda Game Centre Kingdom Kota Surakarta.
Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi adalah pengunjung dewasa muda game centreKingdom Kota Surakarta. Selama Maret 2015 dengan teknik fixed exposure sampling diambil sampel sebanyak 56 responden yang memenuhi kriteria. Durasi bermain dan jenis online game diukur dengan kuesioner, tingkat depresi diukur dengan skala Beck Depression Inventory (BDI).Data dianalisis dengan teknik regresi linier ganda.
Hasil Penelitian: Durasi bermain online gameberhubungan signifikan sebanding dengan tingkat depresi pemain (p = 0,018). Jenis game berhubungan signifikan dengan tingkat depresi pemain (p = 0,049), di mana pemain game jenis MMORPG memiliki skor depresi lebih tinggi dibandingkan pemain game jenis MMORTS atau MMOFPS.Dengan keeratan hubungan antara ketiga variabel termasuk sedang (0,508). Ketepatan model regresi sebesar 0,215 menunjukkan 21,5% depresi pada sampel disebabkan karena durasi dan jenis game.
Simpulan Penelitian: Semakin lama durasi bermain online game maka semakin berat depresi pemain. Pemain MMORPG akan memiliki tingkat depresi lebih berat dibandingkan jenis game yang lain.
Kata Kunci: Durasi Bermain Online Game, Jenis Online Game, Tingkat Depresi
Background :.Online game is quite popular for an entertainment source in all over the world, according Indonesia. Online games has magical attraction that makes people eager to play it, such as three dimension graphic (3D), social and competitive aspect, as well as the play that runs like in real time. Several research reveal that playing online game too much can lead to a bad effect for the mental health of the player. This research has the purpose to find out whether there is a correlation between the duration of playing online game and the game type with the depression level of young adult visitor in Kingdom Game Centre Surakarta
Methods: The kind of this research is analytical observational research with cross sectional approach. The population is the young adult visitor of Kingdom game centre in Surakarta. During March 2015, by using fixed exposure technique sampling, the researcher took sample of 56 repondents who fulfill the criterion. Duration of playing and type of online game is measured by using questionnaire, depression level is measured by using Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The data is analysed by using double linear regression technique.
Result: The duration time of playing online games has comparable significant correlation with the player’s depression level (p = 0,018).Type of game has significant correlation with the player’s depression level (p = 0,049), in which the player of MMORPGhas higher depression score compared with the player of MMORTS or MMOFPS.With thecloseness of the relationshipbetween these threevariables is approximately (0,508). The accuracyofregression model0.215showed that21.5% depression that occurred at the sampleis due tothe durationandtype ofgame.
Conclusions : Thelonger the duration of playing online game then the depression will be heavier. MMORPG player will have heavier depression level compared with the player of other type of games.
Key Words : Duration of Playing Online Game, Type of Online Game, DepressionLevel