Penulis Utama : Ulfa Arieza
NIM / NIP : D0211099

Kekuatan merek merupakan salah satu konsep yang banyak digunakan oleh pelaku pasar untuk mempertahankan eksistensi merek dan membantu merek memenangkan persaingan pada pasar kompetitif. Kekuatan merek diukur melalui persepsi konsumen terhadap merek terbaik. Pemilik merek kemudian melakukan berbagai upaya komunikasi untuk membangun persepsi terhadap merek terbaik.
Penelitianinipentingdilakukanuntukmengujikeberlakuan model persepsi terhadap merek terbaik (kekuatanmerek) yang secarakonseptualdibangunmelaluifaktor – faktor brand awareness, wordofmouth(WOM), perceived quality, brand usage, brand performance, innovation awareness, CSR awareness,dangreen awarenessproduk handphone global. Penelitianinimengembangkan model kekuatanmerek David Aaker (1991) yang melibatkanfaktorbrand awareness, perceivedquality, danbrand loyalty.Variabel yang relevansebagai respon terhadapperkembangan fenomenakomunikasi pada produk handphone global ditambahkan dalam model, meliputi, word of mouth(WOM), innovation awareness, CSR awareness,dan green awareness. Peneliti juga mempertimbangkan faktor user’s experience sebagai faktor yang mempengaruhi persepsi konsumen terhadap merek terbaik, meliputi brand usage dan brand performance.
Penelitian ini menggunakan Teori efek komunikasi Lavidge dan Steiner (1961) untuk menganalisa tahapan dari efek komunikasi merek, meliputi tahapan kognitif, afektif, dan konatif. Setiap tahapan efek diterjemahkan dengan menggunakan variabel penelitian.Semakin tinggi tingkat kesadaran konsumen terhadap merek, baik merek secara keseluruhan, maupun merek yang sering dibicarakan dari mulut ke mulut, merek yang melakukan inovasi, merek yang melakukan kegiatan sosial, dan merek yang mendukung isu ramah lingkungan, maka akan semakin besar potensi merek dipersepsikan sebagai merek terbaik
Responden dalam penelitian ini merupakan responden yang berdomisili di Kota Solo dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 180 orang. Teknik sampling dilakukan secara bertahap menggunakan multistage sampling karenapopulasi bersifat tidak terdefinisi.Model diuji menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), karena tujuan penelitian adalah melihat pengaruh seluruh variabel laten dan indikator secara simultan dalam membangun persepsi terhadap merek terbaik
Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwa model kekuatanmerekfit dengannilai RMSEA 0,000dan P-value 1,000.Model menunjukkanadanyapengaruh brand awareness, word of mouth(WOM), perceived quality, innovation awareness, brand usage, brand performance, CSR awareness, dangreen awarenessdalam membangun persepsiterhadap merek terbaik produk handphone global. Tiga variabel yang mempunyai kontribusi terbesar dalam membangun persepsi terhadap merek terbaik secara berurutan adalahinnovation awareness (1,010),brand awareness (1,000), dan green awareness (1,000). Dengan demikian, faktor kesadaran responden mempunyai kontribusi besar dalam membangun kekuatan merek, sehingga perlu diprioritaskan dalam menciptakan strategi komunikasi merek.
Kata kunci: Brand Awareness, Word of Mouth, Perceived Quality, Brand Usage, Brand Performance, Innovation Awareness,Green Awareness, Brand Equity.
Brand equity is a concept mostly used by marketers to maintain brand existence and to empower the brand winning the competition in a competitive market. The brand equity is measured by consumer’s perception towards the best brand. Brand owner, then, takes some communication attempt to build perception towards the best brand.
This study is important to do in order to examine the prevalence of perception towards the best brand (brand equity) model conceptually built through brand awareness, wordofmouth(WOM), perceived quality, brand usage, brand performance, innovation awareness, CSR awareness,andgreen awarenessin global handphone (cellular phone) product. This study uses David Aaker’s brand equity model (1991) involving brand awareness, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. The relevant variable as the response to communication phenomena development in global handphone product is added into model, including word of mouth, innovation awareness, CSR awareness, and green awareness. This author also takes the user’s experience factor into account as the factor affecting the consumer’s perception on best brand.
This study uses Lavidge and Steiner’s communication effects theory (1961) to analyze the hierarchy stages of the effect of brand communications, covering the stages of cognitive, affective, and conative. Each stage effect is translated using the study variables.The higher level of consumer awareness of the brand, both overall brand, and a brand that is often talked about through word of mouth, brand innovation, brand social activities, and a brand that supports environmental issues, the greater the potential of the brand perceived as a brand best
Respondents of research are the respondents domiciled in Solo City, consisting of 180 people. The sampling technique used is multistage sampling because population is undefined in nature. The model is tested using Structural Equation Method, because the objective of research is to see the contribution of all latent variables and indicator simultaneously in building perception on best brand.
The result of research represents that the brand equity model fit with RMSEA value of 0.000 and P-value of 1.000. This model indicates that there is a contribution of brand awareness, wordofmouth(WOM), perceived quality, brand usage, brand performance, innovation awareness, CSR awareness,andgreen awareness to build perception on best brand of global handphone product. Three variables with largest contribution to build perception on best brand are innovation awareness (1.010), brand awareness (1.000), and green awareness (1.000). Thus, respondent awareness factor contributed considerably to build brand equityr, thus it should be prioritized in developing a brand communication strategy.
Keywords: Brand Awareness, Word of Mouth, Perceived Quality, Brand Usage, Brand Performance, Innovation Awareness, Green Awareness, Brand Equity.

Penulis Utama : Ulfa Arieza
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : D0211099
Tahun : 2015
Judul : Pengaruh Faktor – Faktor Brand Awareness, Word Of Mouth (WOM), Perceived Quality, Brand Usage, Brand Performance, Innovation Awareness, Csrawareness, dan Green Awareness dalam Membangun Persepsi Terhadapmerek Terbaik (Analisis Structural Equation Modeling Pengaruh Faktor – Faktor yang Membangun Persepsi Terhadap Merek Terbaik Produk Handphone Global Kota Solo Tahun 2015)
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - FISIP - 2015
Program Studi : S-1 Ilmu Komunikasi
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-FISIP Jur. Ilmu Komunikasi-D0211099-2015
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Skripsi
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Diah Kusumawati, S.Sos., M.Si
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. ISIP
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