Latar Belakang: Stroke merupakan penyebab mortalitas nomor tiga di dunia. Beberapa faktor risiko yang telah dilaporkan yaitu usia, jenis kelamin, pendapatan, pendidikan, kebiasaan merokok, asupan makanan, dan stres. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara faktor risiko tersebut dengan stroke iskemik di kabupaten Kudus.
Subjek dan Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah case control study. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 35 pasien stroke iskemik dan 70 pasien penyakit saraf non stroke iskemik di unit rawat jalan bagian saraf RSI Sunan Kudus. Pengumpulan data menggunakan rekam medik dan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data menggunakan regresi logistik ganda.
Hasil: Pendapatan berhubungan secara signifikan dengan stroke iskemik (OR=4,04; p=0,050). Asupan lemak dan stres juga berhubungan secara signifikan dengan stroke iskemik (OR=13,09; p=0,001 dan OR=6,38; p=0,014). Faktor risiko pada penelitian ini hanya berkontribusi 39,7% terhadap kejadian stroke iskemik.
Kesimpulan: Pendapatan rendah, asupan lemak yang tinggi, dan stres sedang-berat dapat meningkatkan risiko stroke iskemik. Penelitian lanjutan diperlukan untuk mencari faktor risiko lain stroke iskemik.
Kata Kunci: usia, jenis kelamin, pendapatan, pendidikan, kebiasaan merokok, asupan makanan, stres, stroke iskemik.
Background: Stroke is the third cause of mortality in the world. Several risk factors like age, sex, family income, education, smoking habits, food intake, and stress have been involved in pathogenesis of ischemic stroke. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between risk factors and ischemic stroke in Kudus Regency. Subjects and Methods: The research design of this study was case control. Research subjects consisted of 35 patients with ischemic stroke and 70 patients with neurologic disorders, who visited in neurology clinic in the RSI Sunan Kudus Hospital. Data was collected by using medical records and questionnaire. Collected data was statistically analyzed using a multiple logistic regression. Results: Family income (OR=4.04; p=0.050) statistically correlated with ischemic stroke. In addition, fat intake and stress positively associated with ischemic stroke (OR=13.09; p=0.001 and OR=6.38; p=0.014 respectively). Conclusion: Low family income, high fat intake, and moderate-severe stress increase the risk of ischemic stroke. A further study is required for analysis of other risk factors contributing in the ischemic stroke.
Keywords: age, sex, family income, education, smoking habits, food intake, stress, ischemic stroke.