Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif teknik Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) yang dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa, mengetahui peningkatan keaktifan siswa setelah dilakukan model pembelajaran kooperatif teknik TSTS dan mengetahui dampak penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif teknik TSTS terhadap ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (Classroom Action Research) yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII D SMP Negeri 1 Kartasura tahun pelajaran 2015/2016. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui observasi dan tes. Validitas isi dari instrumen dilakukan sebelum validitas data dari hasil belajar siswa. Sedangkan untuk keaktifan siswa digunakan triangulasi penyidik. Indikator keberhasilan penelitian ini setidaknya rata-rata persentase keaktifan siswa dari observasi mencapai 75%.
Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa langkah pembelajaran dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif teknik TSTS yang dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa adalah:1) pendahuluan: guru menyampaikan apersepsi, tujuan pembelajaran dan motivasi serta gambaran pembelajaran. 2) inti: guru menjelaskan sedikit materi, membagi kelompok (4 siswa) untuk berdiskusi, siswa membagi tugas untuk menjadi tuan rumah dan tamu selanjutnya melakukan diskusi kunjungan kemudian apabila telah selesai melaksanakan diskusi kunjungan, siswa kembali dan membahas hasil pekerjaan kelompok asal serta beberapa kelompok mempresentasikan hasil diskusi. 3) penutup: guru bersama-sama siswa menyimpulkan pelajaran. Dari hasil observasi pada siklus I diperoleh rata-rata persentase keaktifan siswa mencapai 63,72% dengan persentase kegiatan visual sebesar 71,19%, kegiatan lisan 46,61%, kegiatan menulis 68,02%, kegiatan mendengarkan 63,18% dan kegiatan mental 69,58%. Pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan rata-rata persentase keaktifan siswa sebesar 15,16% menjadi 78,88% dengan persentase kegiatan visual sebesar 82,02%, kegiatan lisan 67,86%, kegiatan menulis 83,09%, kegiatan mendengarkan 80,24% dan kegiatan mental 81,19%. Sedangkan dari hasil tes pada siklus I, persentase ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa sebesar 43,75% dan pada siklus II persentase ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan sebesar 78,12%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif teknik TSTS dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika maupun hasil belajar siswa kelas VIII D SMP Negeri 1 Kartasura tahun pelajaran 2015/2016.
Kata kunci: Two Stay Two Stray, keaktifan siswa, hasil belajar siswa.
This research aims to describe the process of implementation cooperative learning using technique Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) for improving student’s being active, to know how those learning model can improve of student’s achievement and to know how the effect of implementation cooperative learning technique TSTS to students’ achievement.
This study was a classroom action research which held in two cycles.. Each cycle consist of four steps, that were planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The subject of this research was the class VIII D of SMP Negeri 1 Kartasura in academic year of 2015/2016.
Data which is collected in this research are students’ being active towards learning and students’ achievement. For students’ being active to the mathematics lesson, data are collected from observation result, from each cycles, whereas for cognitive competence and students’ learning achievement are collected from the final test cycle. The result indicator of this study can be seen that the average of students’ being active attain 75%.
The result of this research showed that the learning steps by using cooperative learning using technique TSTS which can improve students’ being active are: 1) pre activity: the teacher delivers apperception, the purpose of the learning, motivation and gives the background of learning activity. 2) main activity: the teacher explains learning materials at a glance, divides students into 4 persons to discuss, students divide task to be guest and host then do discussion of visit if the students done to discuss, students back to the initial group and discussed again, and then the teacher gives chance to the several groups to present their discussion result. 3) post activity: the teacher with students concludes the material. Based on the observation result, the average of students’ being active in the first cycle increased to 63,72% with visual activity 71,19%, oral activity 46,61%, writing activity 68,02%, listening activity 63,18% and mental activity 69,58%. In the second cycle rises 15,16% so the average of students’ being active become 78,88% with visual activity 82,02%, oral activity 67,86%, writing activity 83,09% , listening activity 80,24% and mental activity 81,19%. Whereas test result, the percentage of students who complete the examination in the first cycle is 43,75% and in the second cycle the percentage of students who complete the examination is 78,12%. Based on those results can be concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning using technique TSTS can improve students’ being active in learning and students’ achievement of VIII D SMP Negeri 1 Kartasura in academic year 2015/2016.
Keyword: Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS), students’ attention, students’achievement