UNS merupakan perguruan tinggi terbesar di Surakarta yang menarik banyak pendatang yaitu mahasiswa. Adanya pendatang mendorong munculnya hunian sewa mahasiswa yaitu kamar sewa, rumah sewa, serta asrama mahasiswa. Mahasiswa UNS yang merupakan penghuni hunian sewa memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda-beda (heterogen). Walaupun demikian, mahasiswa dengan karakteristik berbeda tersebut bermukim pada jenis hunian yang sama sehingga dimungkinkan memiliki faktor bermukim yang sama. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut penelitian bermaksud untuk mengetahui karakteristik mahasiswa penghuni hunian sewa mahasiswa berdasarkan faktor bermukim di sekitar Kampus Kentingan UNS. Penelitian menggunakan teknik analisis cluster dengan menggunakan SPSS untuk mengelompokkan mahasiswa sesuai dengan kemiripan karakteristik yang dimiliki berdasarkan faktor bermukim di sekitar kampus Kentingan UNS.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat sembilan karakteristik mahasiswa yang bermukim secara tersebar di hunian sekitar Kampus Kentingan UNS yaitu : (1) mempertimbangkan faktor kondisi bangunan, ketersediaan sarana prasarana, serta aksesibilitas, tetapi tidak mempertimbangkan harga sewa, kondisi topografi, dan pendapatan saat bermukim; (2) tidak mempertimbangkan kondisi bangunan, pendapatan, ketersediaan prasarana, serta aksesibilitas, tetapi mempertimbangkan harga sewa dan ketersediaan sarana dan kondisi topografi saat bermukim; (3) mempertimbangkan harga sewa, kondisi bangunan hunian, pendapatan, ketersediaan sarana, dan ketersediaan prasarana, tetapi tidak mempertimbangkan aksesibilitas dan topografi saat bermukim; (4) mempertimbangkan kondisi topografi, pendapatan, ketersediaan sarana, ketersediaan prasarana, aksesibilitas, harga sewa dan ketersediaan sarana, tetapi tidak mempertimbangkan kondisi bangunan dalam bermukim; (5) tidak mempertimbangkan kondisi bangunan, topografi, pendapatan, ketersediaan prasarana, serta aksesibilitas, tetapi mempertimbangkan harga sewa dan ketersediaan sarana dalam bermukim; (6) mempertimbangkan hampir seluruh faktor bermukim kecuali harga sewa dalam bermukim; (7) tmempertimbangkan harga sewa, kondisi topografi, ketersediaan sarana, dan aksesibilitas, tetapi tidak mempertimbangkan faktor pendapatan dan ketersediaan prasaranadalam bermukim; (8) tidak mempertimbangkan harga sewa dan pendapatan, tetapi mempertimbangkan faktor kondisi bangunan, kondisi topografi, ketersediaan sarana prasarana dan aksesibilitas dalam bermukim; serta (9) mempertimbangkan faktor kondisi bangunan, kondisi topografi ketersediaan sarana prasarana, dan aksesibilitas, tetapi tidak mempertimbangkan kondisi faktor harga sewa dan pendapatan dalam bermukim.
Kata Kunci : karakteristik mahasiswa, faktor bermukim, analisis cluster
UNS is the largest university in Surakarta that attract many youth to came as students. The presence of youth encourages student rental housing that rents rooms, rental houses, as well as student dormitories. UNS Students who are occupants of residential leases have varying characteristics (heterogeneous). However, students with different characteristics that reside on the same type of housing so that it is possible to have the same living factor. Under these conditions the study intends to determine the characteristics of the occupants student rental housing students based on factors living around campus Kentingan UNS. Research that use cluster analysis techniques is using SPSS for grouping students according to similarity of characteristics possessed by factors living around the campus Kentingan UNS.
The results showed there are nine characteristics of students who live in shelters scattered around the campus Kentingan UNS: (1) consider the factor of building conditions, availability of infrastructure, and accessibility, but do not consider the rental price, topography, and income when settled; (2) does not consider the condition of the building, income, availability of infrastructure, and accessibility, but considering the price of rents and the availability of facilities and topography while living; (3) consider the price of rent, the condition of residential buildings, income, availability of facilities, and the availability of infrastructure, but do not consider the accessibility and topography while living; (4) considering the topography, income, availability of facilities, availability of infrastructure, accessibility, and availability of the rental price, but do not consider the living conditions in the building; (5) does not consider the condition of buildings, topography, income, availability of infrastructure, and accessibility, but considering the price of rents and the availability of means of living; (6) into account almost all factors except the rental price settled in the living; (7) tmempertimbangkan rental rates, topography, availability of, and accessibility, but do not consider the factors of income and the availability of prasaranadalam settled; (8) does not consider the rental prices and incomes, but consider the factor of the condition of buildings, topography, availability of infrastructure and accessibility in the living; and (9) to consider the factor of building conditions, topography availability of infrastructure, and accessibility, but do not consider the condition of the rental price and income factors in living.
Keywords : student characteristics , factors settled , cluster analysis