Latar Belakang: Pasta gigi herbal mengandung ekstrak Daun Sirih dan ekstrak Jeruk Nipis di samping sodium monofluorofosfat yang menjadi bahan aktif dari pasta gigi. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan efek antifungi pasta gigi herbal dan pasta gigi non herbal terhadap Candida albicans secara in vitro.
Metode Penelitian: Metode penelitian menggunakan eksperimental analitik laboratorium. Subjek penelitian adalah biakan Candida albicans yang diambil secara purposive random sampling. Pasta gigi yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pasta gigi dengan 1 bahan herbal, pasta gigi dengan 2 bahan herbal dan pasta gigi non herbal. Penelitian ini menggunakan 16 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu dengan pemberian larutan pasta gigi dengan konsentrasi masing-masing yaitu 20%, 30%, 50%, 70% dan 90% serta ketokonazol 25 µg/ml sebagai kontrol positif. Konsentrasi dinyatakan dengan berat per volume (b/v). Penelitian diulang tiga kali untuk meminimalisir adanya bias. Cawan petri kemudian diinkubasi pada suhu 37°C selama 24 jam dan diukur zona hambatan yang terbentuk. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji One-Way ANOVA dan uji Post-Hoc Least Significant Differences (LSD).
Hasil: Uji One-way ANOVA menunjukkan ada perbedaan efek antifungi pada kelompok-kelompok perlakuan secara statistik (p = 0.003). Pasta gigi dengan 1 bahan herbal memiliki perbedaan efek antifungi yang signifikan dimulai pada konsentrasi 70% dibanding pasta gigi non herbal. Pasta gigi dengan 2 bahan herbal memiliki perbedaan efek antifungi yang signifikan dimulai pada konsentrasi 50% dibanding pasta gigi non herbal. Sedangkan pasta gigi dengan 2 bahan herbal dibanding pasta gigi dengan 1 bahan herbal memiliki perbedaan efek antifungi yang signifikan dimulai pada konsentrasi 90%.
Simpulan: Efek antifungi pasta gigi herbal dan pasta gigi non herbal memiliki perbedaan, namun perbedaan yang signifikan secara statistik terdapat pada konsentrasi yang berbeda.
Kata Kunci: Efek antifungi, pasta gigi herbal, pasta gigi non herbal, Candida albicans.
Background: Beside sodium monofluorophosphate, herbal toothpaste contained betel leaf extracts and lime extracts which were active composition of toothpaste. This research aimed to know in vitro differentiation of antifungal effect in herbal toothpaste and non herbal toothpaste against Candida albicans.
Methods: This study applied an analytical experimental method. The subject of this research were cultured Candida albicans and taken by purposive randomized sampling. Toothpastes used in this study were toothpaste with 1 herbal ingredient, toothpaste with 2 herbal ingredients and non-herbal toothpaste. This research used 16 treatment groups by giving toothpaste solution with concentration of 20%, 30%, 50%, 70% and 90%, and this was also given ketoconazole 25 µg/ml as positive control. Concentration expressed as weight per volume (w/v). This research was repeated three times to minimize the occurrence of bias. The plate was incubated at 37°C for 24 hours and then formed inhibitory diameter zone was measured. The data was analyzed using One-Way ANOVA test, then this was continued by Post-Hoc test.
Results: One-way ANOVA test showed that there were differences of antifungal effect in herbal toothpaste and non herbal toothpaste (p = 0.003). Compared to non-herbal toothpaste, toothpaste with 1 herbal ingredient had significant differences started in concentration of 70%. Toothpaste with 2 herbal ingredients had significant differences started in concentration of 50%. Meanwhile, toothpaste with 2 herbal ingredients had significant differences compared to toothpaste with 1 herbal ingredient started in concentration of 90%.
Conclusions: The antifungal effect in both herbal toothpaste and non herbal toothpaste were different. However, the significant differences appeared significantly in different concentrations.
Keywords: Antifungal effect, herbal toothpaste, non herbal toothpaste, Candida albicans.