Pendahuluan: Konjungtivitis alergi dapat menyebabkan kehilangan penglihatan walaupun belum termasuk 10 besar penyakit mata di Indonesia. Eosinofil berperan penting dalam kerusakan jaringan konjungtiva yang derajatnya bisa diukur dengan 5-5-5 Exacerbation Grading Scale. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pola keteraturan jumlah eosinofil dan derajat konjungtivitis alergi berdasarkan 5-5-5 Exacerbation Grading Scale.
Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan case series yang ditemukan di Solo Eye Center, Surakarta selama November 2015. Dengan teknik sampel konsekutif, didapatkan 9 subjek untuk dinilai derajat konjungtivitis alergi menurut 5-5-5 Exacerbation Grading Scale. Pengambilan sampel dari konjungtiva menggunakan metode conjunctival scraping dan diwarnai dengan pewarna Wright-Giemsa. Eosinofil dihitung per slide. Analisis dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif.
Hasil: Seluruh subjek memiliki derajat ringan dengan skor 3-5. Hanya 3 subjek dengan skor 4 dan 5 yang di preparatnya terdapat eosinofil. Enam subjek lain dengan skor 3, 4 dan 5 di preparatnya tidak terdapat eosinofil. Ditemukan pula neutrofil, limfosit, dan monosit.
Kesimpulan: Tidak ada pola keteraturan jumlah eosinofil mukosa konjungtiva dan derajat konjungtivitis alergi berdasarkan 5-5-5 Exacerbation Grading Scale.
Kata Kunci: allergic conjunctivitis, ocular allergy, eosinophil, conjunctival scraping
Background: Allergic conjunctivitis can lead to visual loss. In fact, it has not been included in the 10 most common eye diseases in Indonesia and rarely studied here. Eosinophils have important roles in damaging conjunctival tissue. Damaged tissue can be measured by 5-5-5 Exacerbation Grading Scale. This study aims to describe the pattern of eosinophil total in allergic conjunctivitis grade based on 5-5-5 Exacerbation Grading Scale.
Methods: This study was case series analysis found in Solo Eye Center, Surakarta during November 2015. By consecutive sampling technique, 9 subjects were found to be examined and the degree of damaged tissue was scored using 5-5-5 Exacerbation Grading Scale. Conjunctival scraping was used to get some cells from inferior palpebra conjunctiva, then stained using Wright-Giemsa. Eosinophils were count each slide. Data analysis was done using descriptive approach.
Results: All subjects had mild degree of allergic conjunctivitis with range score 3-5. Only 3 subjects with score 4 and 5 who eosinophils in their slides. Eosinophils were not found on six subjects. Neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes were found also.
Conclusion: There was no pattern of eosinophil total in allergic conjunctivitis grade based on 5-5-5 Exacerbation Grading Scale.
Keywords: allergic conjunctivitis, ocular allergy, eosinophils, conjunctival scraping