Karya sastra merupakan muatan teks yang di dalamnya terdapat hasil imajinatif yang dituangkan ke dalam tulisan serta mencerminkan kehidupan manusia dalam bersosial budaya. Wujud, unsur-unsur budaya dan nilai pendidikan karakter tersebut, relevan dalam pembelajaran sastra di perguruan tinggi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan: (1) wujud budaya (kompleksitas ide, kompleksitas aktivitas, kompleksitas hasil budaya) dalam novel Isinga, (2) unsur-unsur budaya (3) nilai pendidikan karakter dalam novel Isinga, dan (3) relevansinya dengan pengajaran sastra di perguruan tinggi.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, dengan menggunakan pendekatan antropologi sastra. Data yang diperoleh berasal dari novel Isinga karya Dorothea Rosa Herliany, wawancara dengan informan yakni, pengarang, informan dari dosen. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini yakni sumber data primer berupa novel Isinga karya Dorothea Rosa Herliany. Sumber data sekunder yakni data kepustakaan yaitu berupa buku, jurnal, artikel, penelitian yang dianggap relevan, dan penelitian terdahulu. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik content analysis dan wawancara dengan informan. Validitas data dengan menggunakan teknik triangulasi data atau sumber dan triangulasi metode. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis model interaktif meliputi: reduksi data, penyajian data,dan penarikan kesimpulan.
Hasil penelitian ini sebagai berikut. Pertama wujud budaya dalam novel Isinga yang meliputi kompleksitas ide, kompleksitas aktivitas, kompleksitas hasil budaya. Pada kompleksitas ide meliputi hakikat hidup manusia, hakikat karya manusia, hakikat kedudukan manusia dalam ruang dan waktu, pandangan manusia terhadap alam semesta, dan hakikat hubungan antara manusia dengan sesamanya. Pada kompleksitas aktivitas meliputi aktivitas kekerabatan, aktivitas ekonomi, aktivitas pendidikan, aktivitas estetika dan rekreasi, aktivitas religi, aktivitas ilmu pengetahuan, aktivitas politik, aktivitas pemenuhan kebutuhan jasmaniah. Pada kompleksitas hasil budaya ditemukan benda-benda berupa hasil kesenian. Kedua unsur-unsur budaya, meliputi bahasa, sistem pengetahuan, sistem peralatan hidup teknologi, sistem mata pencaharian hidup, organisasi sosial. Ketiga nilai pendidikan karakter yang terkandung dalam novel Isinga karya Dorothea Rosa Herliany meliputi nilai religius, nilai disiplin, nilai kerja keras, nilai kreatif, nilai rasa ingin tahu, nilai menghargai prestasi, nilai cinta damai, nilai peduli sosial, dan nilai tanggung jawab. Keempat relevansi aspek-aspek budaya dan nilai pendidikan karakter dengan pembelajaran sastra di perguruan tinggi bahwa aspek-aspek budaya, dan nilai pendidikan karakter dalam novel relevan digunakan dalam pembelajaran sastra khususnya mata kuliah antropologi sastra, apresiasi dan kajian prosa, serta kajian sastra.
Kata kunci: Citra Perempuan Papua, nilai kerakter, relevansi
A literary work is a text not only containing imaginative results which is formed into a writing but also reflecting the life of human being in doing social and cultural activities. The form of the values of the culture and the character education is relevant with the learning of literature in universities. Therefore, this study is aimed to describe and explain: (1) a form of culture (the complexity of the idea, the complexity of the activity, and the complexity of cultural products) in the novel Isinga, (2) the elements of culture (3) the value of character education in the novel Isinga, and (4) the relevances among the cultural aspects, the character education values, and the teaching of literature in universities.
This type of the study was a qualitative descriptive study using the anthropological approach to literature. The data obtained were derived from the novel Isinga, written by Dorothea Rosa Herliany. In addition, the interview was also conducted to the author and the informant (the lecturers). The sources of the data in this study was the primary data in the form of novel Isinga written by Dorothea Rosa Herliany. The source of the secondary data included the library data in the form of books, journals, articles, related researches, and previous researches. The techniques of collecting data in this study used the content analysis and interviews with informants. The validity of the data used the triangulation techniques. The techniques of analysing data in this study was an interactive model analysis including: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.
The result of study are as follows: First a form of culture in the novel Isinga included: the complexity of ideas, the complexity of the activity, complexity of cultural products. In the complexity of ideas included the nature of human life, the nature of human work, the nature of the position of human in space and time, the perspectives of human towards the universe, and the nature of the relationship between human and human. In the complexity of the activity included, the kinship activity, economic activity, educational activities, the aesthetic and recreational activity, the religious activity, the science activity the political activity, the fulfillment of physical activity. In complexity of cultural products included the object of the result of the culture in the form of the object at. Second the elements of culture, included language, the system of knowledge, the system of the life equipment and technology, the system of the subsistence, the system of social organization; Third the value of the character education which was contained in the novel Isinga written by Dorothea Rosa Herliany included the values of religion, the values of discipline, the values of hard work, the values of creativity, the values of curiosity, the values of achievement, the values of peace, the values of social care, and the values of responsibility; Fourth, the relevances among the cultural aspects, the character education values, and the teaching of literature are that the cultural aspects and character education values in the novel in universities is used in the teaching of literature, especially in the subjects of anthropology to literature, the literary appreciation and study of prose, and the literary study.
Keyword: the image of Papua women, the values of characters, its relevances