The objective of this research is to reveal whether: (1) Jigsaw technique is more effective than TPS technique in teaching speaking for the tenth grade students of SMAN 3 Bangkalan in the academic year 2015/2016; (2) The tenth grade students of SMAN 3 Bangkalan with high motivation have better speaking ability than those having low motivation; (3) There is an interaction between teaching techniques and students’ motivation in teaching speaking.
The research design was experimental research. The research was conducted at SMAN 3 Bangkalan in the academic year of 2015/2016. The population of the research was 204 tenth grade students of SMAN 3 Bangkalan. The sample was taken by using cluster random sampling. The class X-5 was used as the experimental class and class X-2 as the control class. The instrument of collecting data were motivation questionnaire and speaking test. The data then were analyzed by using ANOVA 2x2 and continued by using Tukey test.
The result of data analysis shows that: (1) Jigsaw technique is more effective than Think-Pair-Share technique to teach speaking at the tenth grade students of SMAN 3 Bangkalan; (2) The students who have high motivation have better speaking ability than those who have low motivation; (3) There is an interaction between teaching techniques and the students’ motivation in teaching speaking at the tenth grade of SMAN 3 Bangkalan. The students with high motivation is more suitable if taught by using Jigsaw and those with low motivation is more suitable if taught by using TPS.
Based on the result of the research, This research implies that Jigsaw can affect students’ speaking ability. It is proved that this method is more effective than Think-Pair-Share. Jigsaw technique can be used to make the students active and more motivated in joining the teaching and learning process in the class.
Keywords: Jigsaw technique, Think-Pair-Share technique, Speaking, Motivation,
and Experimental research.