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Penulis Utama : Tri Yuni Iswati-
NIM / NIP : 197106202000032001


Simulasi Thermal Performance Rumah Tradisional Jawa Dibandingkan Dengan Rumah Kontemporer Di Daerah Tropis Di YogyakartaAbstrak

Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang seberapa jauh kenyamanan thermal pada rumah tradional jawa dan perbandingannya dengan kenyamanan termal pada rumah modernThis paper describes how far the thermal comfort in traditional Javanese house and its comparison with thermal comfort in a contemporary house.

Perbandingan yang dilakukan bukan berdasarkan pada pengukuran di lapangan namun hanya dari simulasi computer menggunakan program ecotect.Comparisons are made not based on field measurements, but only from computer simulations using the Ecotect programme. Hasil menunjukkan arah orientasi ke selatan, material atap genteng plam, dinding satu bata, lantai tegel abu-abu, model rumah tradisional, seting bangunan yang terletak di suatu pekarangan, menunjukkan kenyamanan termal maksimal dibanding arah hadap ke barat, material genteng beton dg finishing cat, dinding setengah bata, lantai keramik, model rumah kontemporer, seting bangunan terletak berhimpitan dengan rumah tetangga. Results shows that the direction oriented to the south, clay tile roof material, one brick wall, ceramics tile floors, traditional house model, setting the building situated in a courtyard, showing maximum thermal comfort than the direction toward the west, concrete tile material, half-brick walls, ceramics tile floor, contemporary house models, setting the building is located to be very closed to a neighbor's house.

From the simulation results generated from the difference of traditional houses and contemporary houses quite thin. Both of the average annual temperature and the results of changing the orientation of the building. Differences in the presence of ventilation was also not significant. Differences due to aspects of the openings are also not significant. So that it can be concluded from the simulation for both traditional and contemporary get the same results. Only the thermal comfort the traditional house better than contemporary house.

Keyword: thermal performance, tradisional house, kontemporer house,Keyword: thermal comfort, traditional house, contemporary house.


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Penulis Utama : Tri Yuni Iswati
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : 197106202000032001
Tahun : 2011
Judul : Simulation of Thermal Performance of Traditional Javanese House Compared with Contemporary House in Tropics Region in Yogyakarta
Edisi : 4-5 maret 2011
Imprint : Surakarta - Fak. Teknik UNS - 2011
Program Studi : -
Kolasi : 215 hal.: illust., tab.; 21 cm.
Sumber : Proceeding of Environmental Insight for Climate Change Mitigation
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Artikel Prosiding
ISBN : 979-978-3456-85-2
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Link Dokumen : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing :
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. Teknik
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