Penelitian ini membahas; (1) Bagaimana unsur-unsur struktural yang terdapat dalam dalam novel ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi karya Tau>fi>q Al-Chaki>m? (2) Bagaimana deskripsi nilai-nilai kemanusiaan yang ada dalam dalam novel ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi karya Tau>fi>q Al-Chaki>m? (3) Bagaimana sikap budaya pengarang yang terdapat dalam dalam novel ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi karya Tau>fi>q Al-Chaki>m? Metode dalam penelitian ini ialah kualitatif deskriptif.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) Mendeskripsikan unsur-unsur struktural yang terdapat dalam dalam novel ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi karya Tau>fi>q Al-Chaki>m. (2) Mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan yang terdapat dalam dalam novel ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi karya Tau>fi>q Al-Chaki>m. (3) Mendeskripsikan sikap budaya pengarang yang ada dalam dalam novel ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi melalui pendekatan sosiologi sastra.
Berdasarkan analisis ini dapat disimpulkan beberapa hal sebagai berikut; Pertama, unsur-unsur intrinsik yang terdapat dalam dalam novel ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi karya Tau>fi>q Al-Chaki>m saling berkaitan antara unsur satu dengan yang lainnya sehingga tercipta sebuah cerita yang indah dan menarik perhatian pembaca. Kedua, terdapat nilai-nilai kemanusiaan yang berupa ketidakadilan, materialistis, cinta orang tua pada anaknya, tenggang rasa, sabar dalam menghadapi penderitaan, kurang bersyukur atas apa yang dimiliki, persahabatan, toleransi agama, saling menghormati, ketakwaan dan tolong-menolong, serta sikap budaya pengarang dalam menanggapi beberapa masalah dalam cerita tersebut.
Kata Kunci : Novel, ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi, Tau>fi>q Al-Chaki>m, Sosiologi sastra.
The study is aimed to discuss; (1) How does the structural elements that are exist in the novel ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi by Taufiq Al-Chaki>m? (2) How does the description of human values contained in the novel ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi by Taufiq Al-Chaki>m? (3) How does the cultural attitudes of the author in the novel ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi by Taufiq Al-Chaki>m? The method used in the research is descriptive qualitative.
The objective of the research are (1) to describe the structural elements that existed in the novel ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi by Taufiq Al-Chaki>m. (2) Describe the values of humanity contained in the novel ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi by Taufiq Al-Chaki>m . (3) Describe the cultural attitudes of the author in the novel ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi by Taufiq Al-Chaki>m through sociology of literature approach.
Based on the analysis it can be concluded some of the following; First, the intrinsic elements that existed in the novel ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi by Taufiq Al-Chaki>m are connected one to another that create a beautiful story and attract the attention of the reader. Second, there are several human values in the form of injustice, materialism, love of parents to their children, tolerance, patience in misery, lack of gratitude, friendship, religious tolerance, mutual respect, devotion and mutual help, as well as the cultural attitudes of the author in response to some problems in the story.
Key words : Novel, ‘Ushfu>r min a’sy-Syarqi by Taufiq Al-Chaki>m, Sociology of Literature