Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bukti empiris apakah remunerasi, motivasi kerja dan stres kerja berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan kerja maupun kinerja pegawai. Penelitian dilakukan di lingkungan Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Jawa Tengah II. Diketahui bahwa sampai dengan triwulan III tahun 2015, realisasi penerimaan pajak masih jauh dari target yang diemban instansi tersebut.
Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui survey dengan desain non probability sampling dengan metode convenience sampling terhadap seluruh pegawai di KPP Pratama di lingkungan Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Jawa Tengah II. Jumlah populasi yang diteliti adalah 1.265 orang. Dari hasil survey terkumpul 524 pegawai sebagai sampel. Model analisis data pada penelitian ini mengunakan analisis deskriptif, uji instrumen, uji asumsi klasik, dan uji hipotesis mengunakan Analisis Regresi Linear dengan bantuan software SPSS 21.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa remunerasi dan motivasi kerja berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan kerja dan kinerja pegawai, sedangkan stres kerja berpengaruh negatif terhadap kepuasan kerja maupun kinerja pegawai. Apabila remunerasi dan motivasi kerja meningkat, akan menyebabkan peningkatan kepuasan kerja dan kinerja pegawai. Namun, apabila stres kerja meningkat, maka akan mengakibatkan penurunan kepuasan kerja maupun kinerja pegawai.
Kata kunci: remunerasi, motivasi, stres kerja, kepuasan kerja, kinerja pegawai.
This study aims to obtain empirical evidence of whether the remuneration, motivation and job stress affect the job satisfaction and employee performance. This research conducted at the tax office in Indonesia as a public sector entity. It is known that until the third quarter 2015, tax revenues are still far from the target that carried by the institution.
This research is conducted through a survey with a non-probability sampling design with convenience sampling method for all employees of tax office in the region of South Central Java. This research has 1,265 employees as population, which are 524 employees participating as a sample. This research using descriptive analysis, instruments testing, classical assumptions testing and hypothesis testing using linear regression analysis using SPSS 21 software.
The results show that the remuneration and motivation positively effect on job satisfaction and employee performance, while work stress negatively affects job satisfaction and employee performance. If the remuneration and motivation increases, it will cause an increase in job satisfaction and employee performance. Conversely, if work stress increases, it will lead to decreased job satisfaction and employee performance.
Keywords: remuneration, motivation, work stress, job satisfaction, employee performance.