Latar Belakang:Berbagai penyakit hepar seperti hepatitis, sirosis hepatis, dan perlemakan hepar merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di dunia. Patogenesis berbagai penyakit tersebut didasari oleh stres oksidatif. Buah belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi Linn.)yang mengandung flavonoid, saponin triterpenoid, vitamin A, dan vitamin C diduga mampu melindungi hepar dari paparan radikal bebas minyak jelantah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek proteksi ekstrak buah belimbing wuluh terhadap struktur histologis hepar mencit yang dipapar minyak jelantah, dan pengaruh peningkatan dosis ekstrak terhadap peningkatan proteksinya.
Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorik dengan the post test only controlled group design. Subjek penelitian berupa mencit Swiss webster jantan,berumur 2-3 bulan, dan berat badan ±20 gram. Sampel 30 mencit dibagi secara random dalam 5 kelompok, masing-masing terdiri dari 6 mencit. Mencit Kelompok Kontrol Normal (KKn) diberi akuades, Kelompok Kontrol Paparan (KKp) diberi minyak jelantah, Kelompok Perlakuan 1,2,3 (KP1, KP2, KP3) diberi ekstrak etanol buah belimbing wuluh dan minyak jelantah. Dosis ekstrak untuk KP1 5,6 mg/20 g BB mencit, KP2 11,2 mg/20 g BB mencit, dan KP3 22,4 mg/20 g BB mencit. Perlakuan diberikan 14 hari berturut-turut. Pada hari ke-15 mencit dikorbankan secaraneck dislocation dan hepar mencit dibuat preparat dengan pengecatan HE. Besarnya kerusakan struktur histologis hepar dihitung dengan menjumlahkan inti sel hepar yang mengalami nekrosis dari tiap 100 sel hepar di zona sentrolobuler. Data dianalisis dengan uji One-Way ANOVA dan uji Post Hoc (α=0,05).
Hasil Penelitian: Jumlah rerata sel hepar yang mengalami nekrosis pada KKn, KKp, KP1, KP2, dan KP3 berturut-turut sebesar 5,17±1,53; 78,08±4,74; 40,33±6,34;30,17±6,29; dan19,00±5,89 sel. Uji One-Way ANOVA menunjukkan perbedaan rerata jumlah kerusakan sel hepar yang signifikan dengan nilai p=0,000 (p<α). Uji Post Hoc juga menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan pada semua pasangan antar kelompok, dengan nilai p pada masing-masing pasangan antar kelompok sebesar 0,000 (p<α).
Simpulan: Ekstrak buah belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi Linn.) memberi efek proteksi terhadap struktur histologis hepar mencit yang dipapar minyak jelantah dan peningkatan dosis ekstrak dapat meningkatkan efek proteksinya.
Kata kunci: Ekstrak buah belimbing wuluh, minyak jelantah, kerusakan histologis hepar.
Background:Liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis hepatis, and fatty liver disease are serious worldwidehealth problem. Oxidative stress involved in the pathogenesis of those diseases. Bilimbi fruit (Averrhoa bilimbi Linn.) contains flavonoid, triterpenoid saponin, vitamin A, and vitamin C that might protect the liver from free radicals. This research aimed to know the effect of Averrhoa bilimbi Linn. extract on the liver damage on mice induced by reheated palm oil and thedose dependent effect of the extract.
Methods: This was a laboratory experimental research with the post test only controlled group design. This research used male Swiss webster mice aged 2-3 months and ±20 g weight. Thirty samples of mice were divided into 5 groups, each group consisted of 6 mice. The normal control group (KKn) was given distilled water,the treated group (KKp) was given reheated palm oil, and the 1st,2nd3rd treatment group (KP1, KP2, KP3) were given ethanolic extract of Averrhoa bilimbi Linn. in dose 5.6 mg, 11.2 mg, and 22.4 mg respectively and also were given reheated palm oil. These treatments were given for 14 days, on the 15th day mice were sacrificed with neck dislocation and livers were obtained for preparation withparaffin block method and stained with HE. Liver histological features were assessed based on quantifying of necrotic cells of each 100 cells in the centrolobular zone. Data was analyzed using One-Way ANOVA test and followed by Post Hoc test (α=0,05).
Results: Data showed mean of necrotic cells in KKn, KKp, KP1, KP2, and KP3 respectively were 5,17±1,53; 78,08±4,74; 40,33±6,34;30,17±6,29; and19,00±5,89 cells. The results of One-Way ANOVA test showed a significant differences of liver damage score in the five groups, p=0,000. The results of Post Hoc test also showed significant difference between pairs of all group. The p value of all pairs were 0,000 (p<0,05).
Conclusion: Averrhoa bilimbi Linn. extract provided protective effect against liver histological damage on mice caused by reheated palm oil and the increase dose followed by the increase of the protection effect.
Keywords: Averrhoa bilimbi Linn. extract, reheated palm oil, liver, histology.