Suryo Ediyonol
Pencak Silat is essentially an lndonesian national culture that it contains elements of
martial arts, sports, arts, and mental-spiritual as a whole. This study aims to determine the
meaning of the warrior: attitudes, traits, knowledge and character kanuragan knight warrior
in silat martial arts. Study of library material in martial arts dojos and field studies. Field
studies need to be done, because the author is also a warrior. The data were analvzed by the
meihod of reflective hermeneutics through the description, co parison and critical refiection.
The result: Swordsman is a man who has the attiiude of piety, responsive, resilient, and
trengginas tanggon. Human warriors have a noble mind and character of knights that values
humanity, justice, and honesty in the utterances, behaviors, thoughts, insights, and ideals.
Keywords: martial arts, self-defense, kanuragan, tanggon, and trengginas