Latar Belakang: Drug Induced Liver Injury (DILI)merupakan salah satu gangguan hepar akibat toksisitas obat.Sebanyak 41 dari 100.000 orang menderita kerusakan hepar akut akibat toksisitas obat. Sebagian besar gangguan kesehatan ini disebabkan oleh penggunaan parasetamol yang berlebihan.Meniran (Phyllanthus niruriLinn.) mengandung berbagai macam antioksidan, seperti fitokimia dan mineral.Antioksidan tersebut bersifat hepatoprotektif.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak meniran dalam melindungi kerusakan struktur histologis sel hepar mencit yang diinduksi parasetamol.
Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental laboratorik denganthe post test only control group design. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Histologi FK UNS. Sampel berupa mencit Swiss Webster jantan, usia 2-3 bulan, berat badan ± 20 gram. Sampel sebanyak 30 ekor yang diperoleh secara purposive sampling, dibagi dalam 5 kelompok secara random, masing-masing terdiri dari 6 mencit. Kelompok Normal (KN) diberi akuades, Kelompok Kontrol Negatif (KK (-)) hanya diberi parasetamol dosis toksik.Kelompok Kontrol Positif (KK (+)) diberi Curcuma® dan parasetamol dosis toksik. Ekstrak meniran dengan dosis 2,8 mg dan 5,6 mg diberikan masing-masing untuk Kelompok Perlakuan 1 (KP 1) dan Kelompok Perlakuan 2 (KP 2) selama 14 hari berturut-turut serta ditambahkan pemberian parasetamol dosis toksik (5 mg) pada hari ke-8 sampai 14 per oral. Pada hari ke-15, mencit dikorbankan kemudian diambil heparnya dan dibuat preparat dengan pengecatan HE.Kerusakan sel hepar diamati dengan menghitung jumlah inti sel hepar yang mengalami piknosis, karioreksis, dan kariolisis dari tiap 100 sel hepar. Data dianalisis dengan uji One-Way ANOVA dilanjutkan Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons berupa uji LSD (α = 0,05).
Hasil: Hasil uji One-Way ANOVA menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna antara 5 kelompok (p < 0,05). Hasil uji LSD juga menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna (p < 0,05) antara KN-KK (-), KN-KK (+), KN-KP 1, KN-KP 2, KK (-)-KK (+). KK (-)-KP 1, KK (-)-KP 2, KK (+)-KP 1, KP 1-KP 2. Perbedaan tidak bermakna terjadi antara kelompok KK (+)-KP 2 (p > 0,05).
Simpulan: Meniran berpengaruh dalam melindungi struktur histologis hepar mencit dari kerusakan akibat induksi parasetamol dan pengaruh ini sebanding dengan peningkatan dosis yang diberikan.
Keywords: Phyllanthus niruri, parasetamol, kerusakan histologis sel hepar
Background:Drug Induced Liver Injury (DILI) is a liver injury caused by drug toxicity. 41 out of 100.000 people suffer acute liver injury due to drug toxicity. Most of this injury caused by excessive use of paracetamol. Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) contains antioxidants, such as phytochemicals and minerals. These antioxidants have hepatoprotective effect. The aim of this research is to investigate the hepatoprotective effect of meniran extract on histological damage in liver cells induced by paracetamol.
Methods: This was laboratory experimental research with the post test only controlled group design. This research was conducted in Histology Laboratory FK UNS. Samples were 30 mices obtained by purposive sampling which characteristics were Swiss webster type, male, 2-3 months old, ± 20 gr of each weight. Samples divided randomly into 5 groups, each group has six mice. The Normal Group (KN) was given aquadest only. The Negative Control Group (KK (-)) was given paracetamol toxic dose only. The Positive Control Group (KK (+)) was given Curcuma® and paracetamol toxic dose. A gradual dose (2,8 mg and 5,6 mg) of meniran extract was given daily to the First Treatment Group (KP 1) and Second Treatment Group (KP 2) for 14 days respectively and added with paracetamol toxic dose (5 mg) on day 8th to 14th orally. On day 15th, mices were sacrificed and livers are taken for preparation with HE staining. Liver cells damage was identified by counting nucleus with pyknosis, karryorhexis, and karyolysis from 100 liver cells. Data was analyzed with One-Way ANOVA and Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons-LSD (α = 0.05).
Results: One-Way ANOVA showed that there was a significant difference between 5 groups (p < 0.05). Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons-LSD showed that there were significant differences (p < 0.05) between KN-KK (-), KN-KK (+), KN-KP 1, KN-KP 2, KK (-)-KK (+). KK (-)-KP 1, KK (-)-KP 2, KK (+)-KP 1, KP 1-KP 2,but there was not significant difference between KK (+)-KP 2 (p > 0.05).
Conclusion: Meniran extract has hepatoprotective effect on histological structure damage of mice’s liver cells that were induced by paracetamol in a dose dependent manner.
Keywords: Phyllanthus niruri, paracetamol, liver cells histologic damage