Latar Belakang: Karsinoma nasofaring (KNF) adalah karsinoma sel skuamosa
nonlymphomatous yang terjadi di lapisan epitel nasofaring bersifat ganas. Latent membrane
protein-1 (LMP-1) adalah dasar dimana EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) menjadi bersifat sebagai
onkoprotein dan dibutuhkan sebagai immortalisasi B limfosit yang berimplikasi kepada
tumor progresi. Pada KNF WHO Tipe Undifferentiated yang diperantarai oleh EBV dapat
membentuk LMP-1 sehingga terjadi kegagalan sistem imun tubuh dalam mengenali sel target
yang terus berproliferasi menjadi suatu keganasan nasofaring.
Tujuan: Untuk membuktikan hubungan LMP-1 dengan MHC kelas 2 pada KNF WHO Tipe
Metode: Penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional terhadap 23
sampel pasien penderita KNF WHO tipe Undifferentiated dan dilakukan pengambilan biopsi
nasofaring di poliklinik THT-KL RSUD Dr.Moewardi Surakarta. Hasil biopsi dilakukan
pemeriksaan LMP-1 dengan pewarnaan immunohistokimia dengan monoklonal antibodi anti
LMP-1 dan antibodi anti Human MHC Kelas 2 pada preparat yang terpisah. Uji korelasi data
berdistribusi normal dilakukan dengan pearson product moment, dengan bantuan program
SPSS 22.0.
Hasil Penelitian: Pengujian statistik terhadap koefesien korelasi intensitas distribusi skor
sebesar -0.444 Pengujian korelasi tersebut menghasilkan probabilitas (p) sebesar 0,017
sehingga p < 0.05.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara LMP-1 dengan MHC Kelas
2 pada Karsinoma Nasofaring WHO tipe Undifferentiated
Kaca kunci: LMP-1, MHC kelas 2, KNF WHO tipe Undifferentiated
Background: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a malignant squamous cell carcinoma
nonlymphomatous that occurs in the nasopharynx epithelial lining. Latent membrane protein-
1 (LMP-1) is the basis on which EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) to act as an oncoprotein and
required as immortalisasi B lymphocytes which have implications for tumor progression. In
the WHO Type Undifferentiated KNF were mediated by EBV can form LMP-1 resulting in
the failure of the body’s immune system to recognize the target cells continues proliferate
into a nasopharyngeal malignancy.
Purpose : To Proof Correlation between LMP1 with MHC Class 2 On NPC undifferentiated
Materials and Methods: The study is observational analytic with cross sectional design of
the 23 samples of WHO Type Undifferentiated NPC patients and carried the nasopharynx
biopsy in the ENT clinic of Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta. The biopsy results were done
examination of LMP-1 by immunohistochemical staining with monoclonal anti-LMP-1
antibody and the antibody anti Human MHC Class 2 on separate preparations. The
correlation test of normal distribution data was done using Pearson product moment, with
SPSS 22.0 program assisted.
Results: The statistical testing on the correlation coefficient of intensity distribution score is -
0.444. The correlation testing was resulted a probability (p) of 0.017 or p < 0.05.
Conclusions: There was negative correlation and significant between LMP-1 with MHC
Class 2 in NPC Type Undifferentiated
Keyword: LMP-1, MHC class 2, NPC Type Undifferentiated