Bencana alam besar yang melanda Indonesia telah meruntuhkan banyak bangunan
berteknologi tradisional maupun modern. Pada umumnya untuk struktur gedung
bertingkat berupa struktur portal terbuka beton bertulang tanpa dinding geser dengan
dinding bata sebagai pengisi.
Evaluasi komponen struktur akan terlihat bagaimana perbedaan detailing tulangan
elemen struktur balok beton bertulang yang dievaluasi menurut (SNI 1726:2012) dan
(SNI 2847:2013), mengetahui kekuatan tulangan yang terpasang di lapangan dengan
menghitung analisis tampang untuk lentur dan geser balok eksisting. Evaluasi dilakukan
pada struktur atas hotel 10 Lantai di Semarang dengan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen
Khusus (SRPMK).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh simpangan antar tingkat untuk gedung hotel
10 lantai di Semarang memenuhi persyaratan (Δ) < Δa/ρ, kekuatan momen nominal (Mn)
memenuhi persyaratan Mu < ∅Mn, kekuatan geser nominal (Vn) memenuhi persyaratan
Ve < ∅Vn, spasi bersih untuk lapis 1 memenuhi persyaratan > 25 mm, spasi bersih antar
lapis memenuhi persyaratan > 40 mm. Tulangan transversal yang terpasang pada tumpuan
D10-100 dipasang sejauh 1/4L (1637,5 mm) memenuhi persyaratan detailing 100 mm <
d/4 (135,125 mm), 100 mm < 6db (114 mm), dan 100 < 150 mm. Pada tumpuan tulangan
transversal dipasang sejauh > 2h (1200 mm) dan pada tengah bentang dipasang D150-
100, memenuhi persyaratan detailling < d/2 (270,25 mm). Panjang sambungan lewatan
untuk tulangan memanjang ld (740 mm) < persayaratan detailing 48db (912 mm).
Kata Kunci : Gempa, Beton Bertulang, Tulangan transversal, Simpangan antar tingkat,
Momen nominal, Geser nominal, Detailing.
Major natural disasters that struck Indonesia have undermined many traditional and
modern building technology . In general the structure of the multi-storey building in the
form of an open frame structure without shear walls of reinforced concrete with brick
walls as fillers.
Evaluation of the structural components to be seen how different reinforcement detailing
structural elements of reinforced concrete beams were evaluated according to (SNI 1726
: 2012) and (SNI 2847 : 2013) , knowing the strength of the reinforcement installed in the
field by calculating the analysis looks for existing bending and shear beam . The
evaluation was done on the structure of the 10 floor hotel in Semarang with Special
Moment Frame System bearers (SRPMK) .
The results showed that the whole drift rate to a 10th Floor Hotel at Semarang meet the
requirements (Δ) < Δa / ρ , the power of the nominal torque (Mn) meets the requirements
of Mu < ∅Mn , nominal shear strength (Vn) meet the requirements Ve < ∅Vn , clean
spaces to meet the requirements of tier 1 > 25 mm , clean spaces between layers meet the
requirements of > 40 mm . Reinforcement transverse mounted on a pedestal D10-100
installed as far 1 / 4L (1637.5 mm) to meet the requirements detailing 100 mm < d / 4
(135.125 mm) , 100 mm < 6dB (114 mm) , and 100 < 150 mm . Transverse reinforcement
mounted on a pedestal so far > 2h (1200 mm) and at midspan mounted D150-100 , meet
the requirements detailling < d / 2 ( 270.25 mm ) . The length of the connection throughput
for longitudinal reinforcement ld (740 mm) < to the terms detailing 48dB (912 mm).
Keywords : Earthquake, Reinforced Concrete, transverse reinforcement, deviation
between levels, the nominal moment, the nominal shear, Detailing.