Laju dosis serap yang dihasilkan pesawat radioterapi harus dijamin ketepatannya melalui kegiatan kalibrasi. Kalibrasi harus dilakukan secara berkala, dengan protokol baku dari IAEA yakni TRS 398. Kalibrasi pesawat teleterapi 60Co terakhir dilakukan pada Juli 2013, sampai akhir 2015 kalibrasi berkala belum dilakukan, maka diperlukan kalibrasi antarwaktu. Penelitian ini melaporkan tentang hasil kalibrasi antarwaktu dengan protokol IAEA TRS 398, dibandingkan dengan perkiraan laju dosis berdasarkan Sertifikat Kalibrasi tahun 2013. Hasil pengukuran dan perkiraan laju dosis serap diperoleh selisih sebesar 12,5%. Selisih yang cukup besar ini mengindikasikan pesawat teleterapi 60Co tipe GWXJ80 perlu segera dikalibrasi ulang. Hasil simulasi komputer dengan software MCNPX dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi laju dosis serap setiap saat sebagai fungsi kedalaman detektor di dalam phantom sesuai letak kanker yang akan diterapi. Laju dosis serap pada kedalaman kanker menurun secara eksponensial, bukan linier. Pemodelan sumber 60Co berupa sumber disk menghasilkan laju dosis lebih tepat daripada sumber titik.
Kata kunci: kalibrasi pesawat teleterapi 60Co, laju dosis serap, phantom, MCNPX
Absorption dose rate yielded by radiotherapy machine should be ensured for its precision through calibration. Calibration should be carried out periodically, with standard protocol and IAEA, TRS 398. The calibration of teletherapeutic machine 60Co was conducted recently on July 2013, until late 2013 periodical calibration had not been carried out; therefore over time calibration is required. This research reported the result of over time calibration with IAEA TRS 398 protocol, compared with estimated dosing rate based on Calibration Certificate of 2013. The result of measurement and estimation on absorption dose rate, a difference of 12.5% was obtained. Such the difference indicated that GWXJ80 type of teletherapeutic machine 60Co needed to be recalibrated. The result of computer simulation using MCNPX software could be used to predict absorption dose rate any time as the depth function of detector in phantom corresponding to the location of cancer on which therapy would be conducted. Absorption dose rate in cancer depth decreased exponentially rather than linearly. 60Co source modeling was disk source resulting in more appropriate dose rate than point source.
Keywords: Calibration of Teletherapeutic machine 60Co, absorption dose rate, phantom, MCNPX