Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) perbedaan pengaruh latihan
hurdle hops dan double leg bound terhadap kemampuan menyundul bola (2) perbedaan
kemampuan menyundul bola bagi siswa yang memiliki kemampuan awal kekuatan otot
tungkai tinggi dan kemampuan awal kekuatan otot tungkai rendah (3) interaksi antara
latihan hurdle hops dan double leg bound dan kemampuan awal kekuatan otot tungkai
terhadap kemampuan menyundul bola.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan rancangan factorial 2x2.
Sampel yang digunakan Siswa SSB Digjayamawana Kabuaten Ciamis, yang berjumlah
40 orang sampel dengan purposive random sampling. Kemampuan awal kekuatan otot
tungkai diperoleh dari perhitungan menggunakan leg dynamometer. Teknik analisis data
menggunakan ANAVA. Sebelum menguji dengan ANAVA, terlebih dulu digunakan uji
prasyarat analisis data dengan menggunakan uji normalitas sampel (Uji Liliefors dengan
α = 0,05) dan Uji homogenitas varians (Uji Bartlett dengan α = 0,05).
Berdasarkan pengolahan dan analisis data menunjukan bahwa (1) Ada perbedaan
pengaruh antara latihan Hurdel Hop dan Doubel Leg Bound terhadap peningkatan
kemampuan menyundul bola, digunakan analisis variansi Two Way. Berdasarkan hasil
perhitungan analisis variansi dua jalan, diperoleh Fobservasi = 7.24. Hasil perhitungan ini
kemudian dikonsultasikan dengan tabel F dengan Dk pembilang = 1 dan Dkpenyebut = 36,
dan taraf signifikansi 0,05 diperoleh F tabel = 4,11, karena F observasi> F tabel atau 7.24>
4,11, sehingga dapat dikatakan ada perbedaan pengaruh antara latihan Hurdel Hop dan
Dubel Leg Bound terhadap peningkatan kemampuan menyundul bola. (2) ada perbedaan
pengaruh kemampuan menyundul bola antara atlet yang memiliki kemampuan awal
kekuatan otot tungkai tinggi dengan rendah digunakan analisis variansi Two Way.
Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan analisis variansi dua jalan, diperoleh Fobservasi = 21.20.
Hasil perhitungan ini kemudian dikonsultasikan dengan tabel F dengan Dk pembilang = 1
dan Dkpenyebut = 36, dan taraf signifikansi 0,05 diperoleh F tabel = 4,11, karena F observasi>
F tabel atau 21.20> 4,11, sehingga dapat dikatakan ada perbedaan pengaruh kemampuan
menyundul bola antara atlet yang memiliki kemampuan awal kekuatan otot tungkai
tinggi dengan rendah. (3) pengaruh interaksi antara latihan Plyometrics dan
kemampuan awal kekuatan otot tungkai terhadap peningkatan kemampuan menyundul
bola, digunakan analisis variansi two Way. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan analisis
variansi dua jalan, diperoleh Fobservasi = 0.61, Hasil perhitungan ini kemudian
dikonsultasikan dengan tabel F dengan Dk pembilang = 1 dan Dkpenyebut = 36, dan taraf
signifikansi 0,05 diperoleh F tabel = 4,11, karena F observasi> F tabel atau 0.61< 4,11,
sehingga dapat dikatakan tidak ada pengaruh interaksi Antara latihan Plyometrics dan
kemampuan awal kekuatan otot tungkai terhadap peningkatan kemampuan menyundul
Ada perbedaan pengaruh yang signifikan antara latihan plyometrics Hurdel Hop
dan Doubel Leg Bound terhadap peningkatan kemampuan menyundul bola. Pengaruh
latihan Doubel Leg Bound mempunyai peningkatan kemampuan menyundul bola lebih
baik dari pada latihan Hurdel Hop untuk peningkatan menyundul bola. Ada perbedaan
hasil menyundul bola yang signifikan antara atlet yang memiliki kemampuan awal
kekuatan otot tungkai tinggi dan rendah. Peningkatan hasil menyundul bola pada atlet
yang memiliki kemampuan awal kekuatan otot tungkai tinggi lebih baik dari atlet yang
memiliki kemampuan awal kekuatan otot tungkai rendah. Tidak ada pengaruh interaksi
yang signifikan antara latihan plyometrics dan kekuatan otot tungkai terhadap peningkatan
kemampuan menyundul bola.
Kata-kata kunci : latihan hurdhel hop, latihan double leg bound, kemampuan awal
kekuatan otot tungkai tinggi, dan rendah
The purpose of this study was to determine (1) The differences of the effects of
hurdle hops and double leg bound exercises to the heading ability (2) The differences of
students heading ability between the students who have prior ability of high leg muscle
strength and the students who have prior ability of low leg muscle strength (3)
interaction between hurdle hops and double leg bound exercise and early ability of leg
muscle strength to the students’ heading ability.
This study used an experimental method with 2x2 factorial designs. The sample
used SSB Digjayamawana students in Ciamis District, totaling 40 samples with
purposive random sampling. The initial ability of leg muscle strength derived from
calculations using a leg dynamometer. Data were analyzed using ANOVA. Before the
test with ANOVA, first used the prerequisite test data analysis using the sample
normality test (Test Liliefors with α = 0.05) and test homogeneity of variance (Bartlett
test with α = 0.05).
Based on the processing and analysis of data shows that (1) There is a difference
between the effects of Hurdel Hop and Doubel Leg Bound exercises to the increased of
heading ability, used analysis of variance Two Way. Based on the results of two ways
variance analysis calculation, obtained ????????????????????????????????????????= 7.24. The result of this calculation is
then consulted with ???????????????????????? with Dk numerator = 1 and Dkpenyebut = 36, and a significance
level of 0.05 was obtained ???????????????????????? = 4.11, for observation F> ????????????????????????or 7:24> 4.11, Based
on the test, we can find that there is a difference between the effect of the Hop Hurdel
and Dubel Leg Bound exercises to the heading ability increased. (2) There are
differences that influence the heading ability between the students who have prior
ability of high leg muscle strength and the athletes who have prior ability of low leg
muscle strength used analysis of variance Two Way. Based on the results of two ways
variance analysis calculation, obtained Fobservasi = 21:20. The result of this calculation is
then consulted with ???????????????????????? with Dk numerator = 1 and Dkpenyebut = 36, and a significance
level of 0.05 was obtained ???????????????????????? = 4.11, for observation F> ???????????????????????? or 21:20> 4.11, so we
can say there is a difference ability to influence the ball between the athletes who have
prior knowledge of high strength with low leg muscle. (3) the effect of the interaction
between Plyometrics exercises and initial ability of leg muscle strength to increase the
heading ability, used analysis of variance two Way. Based on the results of two ways
variance analysis calculation, obtained Fobservasi = 0.61, this calculation results were
consulted with ???????????????????????? with Dk numerator= 1 and Dkpenyebut = 36, and a significance level of
0.05 was obtained ???????????????????????? = 4.11, for observation F> ???????????????????????? or 0.61 <4.11, so it can be said
there is no interaction effect between Plyometrics exercises and initial ability of leg
muscle strength to increase the heading ability.
There is a significant difference The influence of plyometrics exercises between
Hurdel Hop And Doubel Leg Bound To increase the ability of the ball . Bound Leg
exercises influence Doubel have an increased ability to head the ball Better From at Hop
Hurdel exercise to review the increase ball . There is a difference findings Significantly
ball between athlete has the ability early strength of leg muscles high and low .
Improved results The ball in athletes have the ability early high leg muscle strength
Better From The athletes have the ability Preliminary leg muscle strength was low. no
significant effect Its Interaction between plyometrics exercises and leg muscle strength
against an increase in the ability of the ball .
Key Word : hurdhel hop exercises, double leg bound exercises, prior ability of high leg
muscle strength and prior ability of low leg muscle strength