Pendahuluan: Informasi tentang kesehatan reproduksi remaja seharusnya diberikan kepada remaja dengan metode yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan remaja serta meiliki dampak terhadap perilaku. Metode pendekatan promotif kesehatan reproduksi remaja telah mengalami perkembangan dengan munculnya berbagai metode penyuluhan serta penelitian terkait penyuluhan tersebut, namum dalam penelitian yang sudah ada belum banyak membahas bagaimana perbedaan efektivitas antar metode yang sudah ada dalam pendekatan penyuluhan kesehatan reproduksi remaja. Utamanya adalah metode yang termasuk baru yaitu Focus Group Discussion (FGD), perlu dilakukan penelitian perbedaan efektivitas dengan metode lama yang banyak digunakan seperti metode ceramah.
Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental analitik dengan rancangan true-eksperimental pre-posttest control group design yang dilaksanakan pada Januari 2016 di SMA MTA Surakarta. Pengambilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling. Selanjutnya, data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara statistik dengan Wilcoxon Test, Kruskal-Wallis Test dan Odds Ratio Test menggunakan Statistical Productand Services Solution (SPSS)22 for Windows.
Hasil Penelitian:Terdapatperbedaan yang bermakna dari perubahan nilai pengetahuan dan sikap antara kelompok kontrol, ceramah dan focus group discussion dengan rerata rank dari tinggi kerendah adalah focus group discussion,ceramah dan kontrol (pengetahuan p = 0.001; sikap p = 0.001). Uji Odss ratio Ceramah dan FGD terkait perubahan nilai pengetahuan terhadap kontrol adalah 4.3 dan 6.4 (p = 0.001). Dan uji Odds ratio ceramah dan FGD terkait perubahan nilai sikap terhadap kontrol adalah 6.2 dan 7.2 (p = 0.001).
Simpulan Penelitian:Terdapat perbedaan efektivitas antara metode ceramah dan fokus group discussion (FGD)dalam penyuluhan kesehatan reproduksi dengan indikator pengetahuan dan sikap.
Kata Kunci:Kesehatan Reproduksi, Metode penyuluhan, Ceramah, Focus Group Discussion (FGD).
Introduction:Information about adolescent reproductive health should have was given to adolescents with appropriate methodesneededbyadolescents and has particularly the impact on behavior. Methods of adolescent reproductive health promotion approach has been progressing with the emergence of a variety of extension methods as well as the extension related research. However the existing research has not been much to discuss how the effectiveness differs existing method in the approach to adolescent reproductive health education. Its main new method that includes the Focus Group Discussion (FGD), necessary to study differences in effectiveness with the old method that is widely used as a lecture.
Methods:This research is experimental analytic true-experimental design with pre-posttest control group design conducted in January 2016 in SMA MTA Surakarta. Sampling by purposive sampling. Furthermore, the data were analyzed statistically with a Wilcoxon test, Kruskal-Wallis test and Odds Ratio Test using productand Statistical Services Solution (SPSS) 22 for Windows.
Results:There is a significant difference in the value of the knowledge and attitudes among the control group, lectures and focus group discussions with the average of the high rank of modesty is a focus group discussions, lectures and controls (p = 0.001 knowledge; attitudes p = 0.001). Test ODSS ratio Lectures and group discussions related to changes in the value of knowledge of the control was 4.3 and 6.4 (p = 0.001). Odds ratios and test lectures and group discussions related to changes in attitudes toward control values are 6.2 and 7.2 (p = 0.001).
Conclusions: There was a significant differences in effectiveness between a lecture and a focus group discussion (FGD) in reproductive health education.
Keywords: Reproductive health, education method, Lecture, Focus Group Discussion (FGD).