Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi faktor abiotik di kawasan
hutan Wonosadi, kondisi hutan Wonosadi yang ditinjau vegetasi dan burung, serta pola
adaptasi masyarakat sekitar hutan Wonosadi.
Jenis penelitian adalah diskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif, dengan teknik
pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Luas hutan yang diteliti adalah 10 % dari luas
Hutan Wonosadi (kawasan inti 25 ha, kehati 5 ha dan peyangga 58 ha). Kriteria
masyarakat yang menjadi objek penelitian adalah tokoh adat, tokoh penting, dan
masyarakat yang dituakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di bulan Agustus – September 2015.
Pengumpulan data abiotik (intensitas cahaya, suhu, kelembaban tanah, dan pH tanah)
dilakukan di setiap plot vegetasi. Data vegetasi menggunakan metode transek, sedangkan
pengambilan data aves menggunakan Indices Pontuels d’Abondence (IPA). Data pola
adaptasi diambil dengan wawancara mendalam (depth interview). Teknik analisis data
menggunakan program excel 2016.
Hasil menunjukkan bahwa faktor abiotik dipengaruhi oleh naungan dan
ketinggian di setiap kawasan. Indeks diversitas vegetasi tiap strata di ketiga kawasan
memiliki kestabilan komunitas antara sedang hingga tinggi. Tingkat kestabilan komunitas
aves di kawasan konservasi (hutan inti dan kehati) lebih mendukung habitat aves
dibandingkan kawasan peyangga. Pola adaptasi masyarakat sebelum tahun 1960 masih
menjunjung tinggi warisan leluhur, sehingga pemanfatan yang dilakukan masyarakat
tidak merusak hutan. Berbeda dengan tahun 1960 – 1965, masyarakat lebih
mengeksploitasi sumber daya hutan khususnya tanaman keras. Tahun 1966 – 1969
masyarakat melakukan program penghijauan di hutan Wonosadi. Pola adapatasi
masyarakat tahun 1970 sampai sekarang diantaranya adalah pemanfaatan sumber air di
hutan inti, sedangkan pemanfaatan lainnya (pemanfaatan kayu bakar, tanaman keras dan
rumput) di hutan peyangga.
Kata kunci : Pola adaptasi, pelestarian, fungsi, dan hutan Wonosadi.
The purpose of this study is to determine the condition of abiotic factors in forest
areas Wonosadi, Wonosadi forest vegetation conditions and its aves were reviewed, as
well as patterns of adaptation forest communities Wonosadi.
The type of this research is descriptive, quantitative and qualitative, with
purposive sampling techniques. The forest area under study is 10% of the forest area
Wonosadi (core area of 25 ha, biodiversity 5 ha and 58 ha buffer zone). Criteria of people
who become the object of research are the traditional leaders, key figures, and community
elder. This research was conducted in August-September, 2015. Data collection abiotic
(light intensity, temperature, soil moisture, and soil pH) was done in each vegetation plot.
Data vegetation using transect method, whereas aves data retrieval using Indices Ponctuel
d'Abondance (IPA). Data on adaptation pattern was taken with depth interviews. Data
was analyzed using Excel 2016 program.
The results showed that abiotic factors were affected by shade and altitude in each
region. Vegetation diversity index of each stratum in the third region has unfolded
community stability between moderate to high. Degree of stability in the aves community
in conservation areas (basic forest and biodiversity) is more favorable than that of the
buffer zone. The community adaptation pattern before 1960 still carried out the heritage,
so that the use of the community does not damage the forest. Unlike the years 1960 -
1965, more people exploited forest resources, especially perennials. The years 1966 –
1969, the community has done reforestation program in the woods Wonosadi. The pattern
of community adaptation in 1970 to the present among the others, is the utilization of
water resources in the core forest, while the other uses (utilization of firewood, tree and
grass) is in the forest buffer.
Keywords: Patterns of adaptation, preservation function, and forest Wonosadi,