The purpose af the research is to reveal the structures and the forms of
Pandqwa Lima figures, namely Pnntadetpa, Werkudara, Hariuna,
Nangkula, and Sadewa. Purwa shadow puppet is the Javanese profile
visualizations which re/lect certain dispositions and characters. The forms of
those five figures are very distinctive and have been cansidered as a fixed rule
(pakem) in the order of Javanese putva shadow puppet inakings. Thus it is
interesting to study whether the forms of the .figures in the Jqvanese purwa
shadow puppet have structures and meanings. The questions are whether each
purwq shadow puppet such as Pandawa Lima also has certain structures, how the
structures are, and how the meanings of these figures in the context of Javanese
culture are. To reveal the structures snd elucidate the rneanings, in-depth
research was executed by compiling data through, atnor'g oihers, participatory
observation, in-depth interyiew, content analysis, and literary study. This reseqrch
used the anthropological structural-interpretative analysis. The results of the
research show that the forms of Pandawa Lima putwq shadotr puppet is a shaped
structure with distinctive forms, which are in contrast with the form structures of
those of giant dispositions. The finding,s show that dis;tinct J'acial structures as
found in Pandawa Lima are Javanese character transformations which reflect the
characters of lodght. These structures are in contrast with the forms of purwa
shadow puppet depicting giant characters which reflect negative characters or the
opposite of positive characters. Therefore, the profiles of Pandawa purwa shadow
puppets are meaningful visual structures, since they are the manifestation of
Javanese characters which reJlects the souls, characters, and good values which
should be established as Javanese society's life guidance.