Penulis Utama : Dzurriyah Muslihah
NIM / NIP : C0309026

The purposes of this research are (1) to find out the types of swearing word
and how they are translated (translation technique) in the movie entitled Hangover,
(2) to describe the impact of translation technique to the accuracy and acceptability of
the translation.
This research is a descriptive qualitative research which means that the data is
in the form of qualitative data. The researcher uses purposive sampling technique in
this research. The data of this research are all swearing word in the movie entitled
Hangover from DVD version and TV version. While the secondary data are in form
of questionnaire result given by the rater to assess the accuracy and acceptability. The
total data are 108 data.
The analysis result shows that there are four types of swearing words found in
the movie entitled Hangover, they are religious reinforces (19 data), the attribution of
various reprehensible behaviours and violations of moral codes (6 data), social stigma
(5 data) and insulting names, demeaning labels and unflattering comparisons (78
data). The analysis of types of swearing word shows the tendency of each datum to
which the translation techniques they are belong to.
The analysis on the translation techniques shows that there are four techniques
used are (a) omission technique: 42 data from DVD version and 41 data from TV
version (b) milder equivalent: 38 data from DVD version and 35 data from TV
version (c) similar expression: 26 data from DVD version and 16 data from TV
version (d) strong force: 2 data from DVD version and 16 data from TV version.
The analysis on the accuracy shows that 46 data from DVD version are
considered to be accurate while from TV version found 51 data, 16 data from DVD
version are less accurate and 14 data found from TV version, and 46 data from DVD
version and 43 data from TV version considered to be inaccurate.
The analysis on the acceptability shows that 100 data from DVD version are
acceptable while 94 data that can be considered to be acceptable found in TV version.
8 data from DVD version and 14 data from TV version are considered to less
acceptable. There is no datum found from both DVD version and TV version which
can be categorized into unacceptable translation.
Overall, it can be concluded that translation of the data from DVD version is balanced
between accurate and inaccurate. While from the TV version, the translation

Penulis Utama : Dzurriyah Muslihah
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : C0309026
Tahun : 2016
Judul : A Comparative Analysis on Translation Techniques and Quality of Swearing Words in The Movie Entitled Hangover from Television Version and DVD Version
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - F. Ilmu Budaya - 2016
Program Studi : S-1 Sastra Inggris
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-F. Ilmu Budaya Jur. Sastra Inggris-C.0309026-2016
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Skripsi
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Ardianna Nuraeni, S.,S, M.Hum.
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. Ilmu Budaya
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