Gender budgeting in Indonesia was nationally
implemented in 2009 and locally administered in 2011. Capacity
building and technical assistance for its implementation has
conducted since 2010. This study evaluates the ability on gender
analysis of regional work unit in North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The
Human Development Index of North Sulawesi Province in 2010 is
75.68, the Gender-Related Development Index is 76.91, and The
Gender Empowerment Measure is 65.96. So, there is a gap
between Gender-related Development Index and The Gender
Empowerment Measure (10.95). Using the content analysis of
Gender Analysis Pathway and Gender Budget Statement
document, it is found that most of North Sulawesi regional work
units have the capacity to do gender analysis. Unfortunately,
they do not have the capacity to formulate performance
indicators. Their inabilities will affect on unclear indicator to
assess program performance.
Keywords—gender budgeting; gender equality; gender equity;
gender gap; Indonesia