Penulis Utama : Pranoto
1. Sudaryanto
2. Supriyadi
NIM / NIP : 195410301984031002

Allophane is an aluminosilicate mineral such as clays found in the land of andisol. Non-crystalline aluminosilicate and Fe oxides in soil and the essential minerals in the soil due to the many reactions and had the typical wide surface and have many functional groups are active. Problems in natural is the rapid development of the industry in various fields of life, which produce a variety of waste. So the need for research on “ the potential of Mineral Allophane as material Multi Layering Soil to Natural Adsorbents”. The purpose of this research is to create a usefull natural adsorbents to adsorb various inorganic and organic wastes and to process the wastewater industry as well as the river water into water that is ready to use. The research will be made effective for eight months, starting in april to November 2013 at the laboratory of physics and soil chemistry, soil biology laboratory, greenhouse and Faculty of agriculture, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. Measurement of the Fourier Transform Infra – Red (FT-IR), performed in the laboratory of faculty of mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Sebelas Maret, and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) at Bandung Institute of Technology. Specific targets to be achieved is the avaibility of natural adsorbent material capable of absorbing the hazardous materials and toxic waste (B3), such as the batik industry liquid waste by utilizing minerals clays as components of Multi Layering Soil (MSL). The research of mount Lawu soil which is used in this research taught, characterized by a heavy volume of 0.79 g cm3, with Al Oxalic acid extractedaddhalf of the Fe Oxalic acid extracted gives greater value to 2. NaF pH value larger than 11.09 1N 9.4 shows that there are allophane content. Allophane has a cluster of mount lawu, O-O-O, Si-OH-OH, Al, Si-O, Al-O and OH at allophane. Allophane natural activation has to be done by increasing the contact time activator and a longer allophane; and conducted research on variation of a variation of composition Soil Layering, so the adsorbent materials as allophane capabilities increase.

Keywords: characterization, Allophane, Multilayeringsoil, Adsorbents, Andisol

Penulis Utama : Pranoto
Penulis Tambahan : 1. Sudaryanto
2. Supriyadi
NIM / NIP : 195410301984031002
Tahun : 2015
Judul : Andisol Soil Utilization of Mount Lawu as Natural Adsorbent Multi Soil Layering Materials for Domestic Waste
Edisi :
Imprint : Semarang - UNNES Press - 2015
Program Studi : -
Kolasi : 7 hal.: tab.
Sumber : Proceeding of 9th Joint Conference on Chemistry ''Green Chemistry''
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Artikel Prosiding
ISBN : 978-602-285-049-6
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Link Dokumen : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing :
Penguji :
Catatan Umum : Joint Conference UNDIP, UNNES, UNS, ONSOED
Diselenggarakan di Semarang 12-13 November 2014
Fakultas : Fak. MIPA
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