Penulis Utama : : Esti Nurjayanti
1. Asrowi
NIM / NIP : xxx

This research aims to overcome English learning difficulty using mind map technique in the fifth grades of SDN Gentan 03 Bulu Sukoharjo. This research use the Research and Development approach using one group pre-test post-test design experiment pattern to examine the effectiveness of learning guidance through mind map technique. The subject of research was the fifth grades of SDN Gentan 03 Bulu Sukoharjo that consisting of 9 students.

Preliminary study from the list English daily test showed that students in the fifth grades of SDN Gentan 03 who totaled 14 students, 9 of them have difficulty to learning English of high and middle levels. In addition, from data collection through questionnaires apparently 43% higher learning difficulties. Students who totaled 9 is then given English test as a pre-test and post-test, and given guidance learned through mind map techniques. Based on expert judgment, the module gets developed feasibility with an average percentage of 92%, from 91% valuation practitioners obtained later in the limited trial gained 75%, while for the final response evaluation results were obtained 98.61%.

The research results on the empirical data that is statistically analyzed with  the Wilcoxon test. The result of research showed that the mean post-test of 7,9167 was higher than the mean pre-test of 4,5556, so there was a significant improvement in English language competency between before and after intervention in the fifth grades. Considering the Wilcoxon test based on positive ranking = 5, it could be found the z statistic value of -2,670 and probability value (p) of 0,005 (two-way test). Because the z statistic value was negative (-) and the probability (p) value was lower than ? = 0,005, it could be concluded that the learning guidance through mind map technique was effective to overcome English learning difficulty in the fifth grades of SDN Gentan 03.

Penulis Utama : : Esti Nurjayanti
Penulis Tambahan : 1. Asrowi
NIM / NIP : xxx
Tahun : 2014
Judul : Model Bimbingan Belajar Melalui Teknik Mind Map untuk Mengatasi Kesulitan Mempelajari Bahasa Inggris
Edisi : Volume 2 No. 1, Oktober – Desember 2014
Imprint : Surakarta - UNS: FKIP Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan - 2014
Program Studi : -
Kolasi : 10 hal.: tab.
Sumber : CONSILIUM: Jurnal Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Volume 2 No. 1, Oktober – Desember 2014
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Artikel Jurnal UNS
ISSN : 2337-4551
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Link Dokumen : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing :
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. KIP
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