Penulis Utama | : | Faisal Septiaji |
NIM / NIP | : | B3115024 |
This internship report is written based on the internship activities at Tourism Department of Semarang Regency. During January 15th to February 15th, 2018, I conducted my internship activities in Tourism Promotion Division. There, I should attend in the office on Monday to Friday from 07.00 AM to 04.00 PM. However, on Friday I worked from 07.00 AM to 11.30 AM.
I spent my first week to collect the information of Tourism Department of Semarang Regency. I observed several tourist destinations on the first and third week such as Gedong Songo Temple, Bandungan Indah Waterpark, Umbul Sidomukti, Hortimart, Bukit Cinta, Langen Tirta Muncul, Train Museum of Ambarawa, and Museum Isdiman Palagan Museum.
I had my own activities for my internship, they were writing articles, translating online articles, and making promotion video for Tourism Department of Semarang Regency, although the Tourism Department already had the official video promotion. Thus, I changed the activity from making video promotion into making subtitle for Tourism Department’s video. I made the video subtitle during the last week of my internship program, I made the video subtitle for five days and I submitted the video on 15 March
During the internship program, there were two problems which I faced. My first problem related to observation there were weather and routes. Then the second problem was selecting proper terms, which were the hardest problem in writing article.
Keyword : writing, promotional articles, vidio subtitle, tourism department.
Penulis Utama | : | Faisal Septiaji |
Penulis Tambahan | : | - |
NIM / NIP | : | B3115024 |
Tahun | : | 2018 |
Judul | : | Writing Promotional Articles and Making Video Subtitle for Tourism Department of Semarang Regency |
Edisi | : | |
Imprint | : | Surakarta - Fak. Ilmu Budaya - 2018 |
Program Studi | : | D-3 Bahasa Inggris |
Kolasi | : | |
Sumber | : | UNS-Fak. Ilmu Budaya Jur. Bahasa Inggris-B3115024-2018 |
Kata Kunci | : | |
Jenis Dokumen | : | Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III) |
ISSN | : | |
ISBN | : | |
Link DOI / Jurnal | : | - |
Status | : | Public |
Pembimbing | : |
1. Hendrastuti Ikasari, S.S., M.Par. |
Penguji | : | |
Catatan Umum | : | |
Fakultas | : | Fak. Ilmu Budaya |
File | : | Harus menjadi member dan login terlebih dahulu untuk bisa download. |