Penulis Utama | : | Mahyan Prahmadany Imas |
NIM / NIP | : | K4612095 |
The purpose of this research is to increase the locomotor basic movement of walk, run and jump for mental disorder children through the application oftheadaptive learning physical activity model by playing in Grade Four SDLB Hamong Putro Sukoharjo academic year 2018/2019.
This research is a classroom action research (CAR). This study was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The subjects were students in grade Four SDLB Hamong Putro Sukoharjo which consisted of 7 students, 4 male studentsand3 female students. Data source was taken from teachers, students and researchers. The data collection technique used observation, Test Gross Motoric Development 2 (TGMD 2), and recording. The validity of the data used data triangulation technique. The data analysis used the descriptive technique based on the qualitative analysispercentage.
The results of this study indicated that through the application of the adaptive learning with playing can improve the manipulative basic movement learning outcomes in pre-cycle to the first cycle and from the first cycle to the second cycle. From the analysis obtained, the increasing of manipulative basic movement skill learning outcomeson the first cycle of 6 students was 85,7% or 6 students have achieved the criteria and on the second cycle increased to 100% or all of the students have achieved the KKM criteria.
The conclusion of this research is the playing approach can improvestudents’ learning outcomes of locomotor basic movementskillsinmental disorder children ofgrade Four SDLB Hamong Putro Sukoharjo academic year 2014/2015.
Keywords : Learning Outcomes, Mental Disorder Children, Locomotor Basic Movement, Adaptive Learning Physical ActivityModel.
Penulis Utama | : | Mahyan Prahmadany Imas |
Penulis Tambahan | : | - |
NIM / NIP | : | K4612095 |
Tahun | : | 2018 |
Judul | : | Upaya Meningkatkan Keterampilan Gerak Dasar Lokomotor Melalui Pendekatan Bermain Pada Anak Tunagrahita Kelas IV SDLB Hamong Putro Sukoharjo Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019 |
Edisi | : | |
Imprint | : | Surakarta - FKIP - 2018 |
Program Studi | : | S-1 Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan, dan Rekreasi |
Kolasi | : | |
Sumber | : | UNS- FKIP Jur. Penjasorkesrek-K4612095-2018 |
Kata Kunci | : | |
Jenis Dokumen | : | Skripsi |
ISSN | : | |
ISBN | : | |
Link DOI / Jurnal | : | - |
Status | : | Public |
Pembimbing | : |
1. Dr. Rony Syaifullah, S.Pd.,M.Pd. 2. Pomo Warih Adi,S.Pd.,M.Or. |
Penguji | : | |
Catatan Umum | : | |
Fakultas | : | Fak. KIP |
File | : | Harus menjadi member dan login terlebih dahulu untuk bisa download. |