Rasulullah saw is a figure who has a gentle, patient, generous attitude, forgiving when in power, and always be patient when faced with pressure. These are the starting qualities that Allah taught him. In his soul there is a benevolent and generous nature. He is willing to give his possessions, without the shadow of fear of the poor because of it. The Messenger of Allah is the most generous man, especially in the month of Ramadan. His generosity far outweighed the wind. He never asked for anything, then replied, 'No'. (Sahih Al-Bukhari).
Community service is one of the important points of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Therefore, students should be able to make a real contribution to the surrounding community. The contribution can be done through simple things. An example is done by students and students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta that is by distributing rice packets to people in need. This social humanitarian program was established since late 2017 and the program name is Nabung Jalanan. Nabung Jalanan is an abbreviation of rice wrap for street people. This program is motivated by the incident that happened to one of Nabung Community Street personnel who one day met a homeless person who was in front of a shop with blank stare, then moved his heart to buy a rice wrap and given to the homeless. Based on the incident, a social program was formed which aims to help the street people by distributing rice packets to them on the streets. Therefore, it takes an android-based game that is used as a media publication Community Nabung Street so that more and more who know so many who donate. And as an educational media for the players to know how important and beautiful mutual help each other.
The game "Nabung Jalanan Adventure" takes inspiration from one of Prophet's characteristics of generosity and generosity. The game genre used in this game is Adventure.
Making game "Nabung Street Adventure" by using several methods of system requirements analysis, design, coding, and testing. This game can run well on Android devices.