This research investigates the complaint behavior of English Department students in Universitas Sebelas Maret, both male and female students. The investigation is conducted to analyze the complaint strategy used by the students and to explain the aspect that differs the realization of complaint strategy between male and female. Data were collected from 20 students’ responses in Discourse Completion Task (DCT) questionnaires, consisting of 5 scenarios. Detailed descriptions such as context, gender and social status of the interlocutors are presented in each situation. The analysis on the realization of complaint strategy shows that all the students use the complaint strategies, namely hints, annoyance, ill consequences, indirect accusation, direct accusation, modified blame and explicit blame behavior. The most used strategy is direct accusation which is used by both males and females but the males are shown more frequent. The second used strategy is hints which are also equally used by both female and male students. The third used strategy is modified blame which is mostly used by female students. The fourth strategy is indirect accusation with male students as the most users. The least strategy is ill consequences which is rarely used by both gender. Regarding the age of the complainee, females tend to use hints strategy in complaining to the older person. Meanwhile, male students mostly complaint using direct accusation towards the older person. Speaking of gender, the analysis of gender aspect shows that gender may influence the choice of complaint strategy. Male students in this study are more direct in expressing complaint to the same gender than to female students. Female students are also more direct to males in complaining but more explicit to the same gender in terms of blaming.