Penulis Utama : Kartika Cahyaningrum
NIM / NIP : C0314018

Some researchers found that language still forms asymmetry between men and women. It is believed that such usage of this asymmetry is known as “sexism in language”. In grammatical level, sexism is also found in occupational nouns. This research aims at investigating gender equality in job marketing through neutralization and identifying gender stereotyping in online job advertisements, produced by Non-Indonesian companies (NIC) and Indonesian companies (IC). The ads were posted in online recruitment website namely LinkedIn and The research belongs to descriptive qualitative research and the data were analyzed by using content analysis. The findings show that neutralization have been applied in job ads. The existence of neutralization also minimize gender stereotyping. As a result, gender stereotyping has minor realizations in job ads. Besides, in terms of ad producer, NIC’s ads have more realization of gender-neutral images than IC’s ads do. However, although the number is not significant, male image is still found in job ads. It is perceived as a nature because some jobs are basically offered for men; since society has expected that men should act as the provider of family.