Penulis Utama : Adam Megatantra
NIM / NIP : K2210002


The objectives of this study is to find out the correlation on (1) creativity and writing skill; (2) grammar mastery and writing skill; and 3) creativity and grammar mastery simultaneously and writing skill.
This study used correlational method with quantitative approach. The population was all the fifth semester students in a University in Surakarta. The sample of this study was one class consisting 37 students.  The sample was taken by using cluster random sampling. In collecting data, the writer used test: grammar mastery test, creativity test, and writing test. The techniques which were used for analyzing the data were Regression and Correlation both of simple and multiple.
The research findings show that (1) there is a positive correlation between creativity and writing skill (  = 0.392); (2) there is a positive correlation between grammar mastery and writing skill (  =0.557); and (3) there is a positive correlation between creativity and grammar mastery simultaneously and writing skill (R= 0.6312). The students’ creativity gives 11.82?fective contribution to their writing skill, and the grammar mastery gives 27.97?fective contribution to their writing skill. While simultaneously students’ creativity and grammar mastery gives 39.79?fective contribution to their writing skill. It means the increase of the students’ creativity and grammar mastery; either partially or simultaneously will be followed by the increase of the student’s writing skill.
From the result of the study, it is known that creativity and grammar mastery have contribution to student’s writing skill. Creativity and grammar mastery are aspects that support writing skill. Students having higher creativity or grammar mastery have better writing skill than those having lower. Therefore, creativity and grammar mastery should be considered and utilized in teaching-learning process of writing skill.

Keywords : Creativity, Grammar, Writing Skill

Penulis Utama : Adam Megatantra
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : K2210002
Tahun : 2017
Judul : A Correlational Study On Creativity in Language, Grammar Mastery, and Writing Skill of the Students in a University in Surakarta (A Correlational Study Conducted on the Students in a University in Surakarta)
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - Pascasarjana - 2017
Program Studi : S-1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-Pascasarjana Prog. Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris-K2210002-2017
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Tesis
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd.
2. Kristiandi, S.S., M. A.
Penguji :
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Sekolah Pascasarjana
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