Penulis Utama : Rahayu Indrawati
NIM / NIP : C9302127
× ABSTRAK One of the important elements of tourism progress is hotel. Hotel industry is one of the service industries that play an important role in fulfilling and satisfying tourist’s need. Front office is the center of activity in a hotel operation. One of the sections of Front Office Department is Reservation Section. Basically, all of the hotel activities start from Reservation Section. The purpose of this study is to describe how the Reservation Section of Jayakarta Hotel and Spa Yogyakarta handles room reservation. This report uses descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected through three techniques of collecting data. They are observation, gathering information, and library research. The writer did an observation by doing job training at Front Office Department of Jayakarta Hotel and Spa Yogyakarta for 2 months and gathering information about Reservation Section was done during in the job training by asked some questions to the Reservationist. In doing library research, the data were collected from some reference books that are related to the problem. The steps in handling room reservation depend on the type of guest and the sources of booking. However, Reservation Section of Jayakarta Hotel and Spa Yogyakarta has general steps in handling room reservation. In holding a confirmed reservation, advance deposit and travel agency/company voucher are two types of guarantee that are widely accepted by the hotel. The steps in handling room reservation also include handling cancellation and amendments. In the last chapter, the writer suggests the hotel to improve the service and employee’s skill.