An analysis of frustration and self-adjustment as experienced by Roger Hancock in the novella “the strange country” by Ernest Hemingway (a psychological approach) and its implication for teaching reading
Penulis Utama
Ratna Ernawati
This study is a type of descriptive qualitative research which is intended to analyze frustration and self-adjustment in Ernest Hemingway’s novella entitled “The Strange Country” as experienced by the main character of the novella namely Roger Hancock. In the fiction, Roger experienced frustration because his greatest stories were lost. Then he faced self-adjustment when he tried to be confident in producing better work. In analyzing the study, there are four problem statements : 1) What are the types of frustration experienced by Roger Hancock as the major character, 2) What are the causes of Roger’s Frustration, 3) How is Roger’s Frustration reflected in the novella, and 4) How is Roger’s Self-Adjustment reflected. The objectives of this study are: 1) to identify the types of Roger’s frustration, 2) to find the causes of Roger’s Frustration, 3) to describe Roger’s Frustration, and 4) to describe Roger’s Self-Adjustment as reflected in the novella To answer those research questions, this study uses psychological approach and takes the main theory of frustration from Floyd L. Ruch and the theory of Self-Adjustment proposed by Hubert Bonner.
In this research, the researcher only uses sample which is taken purposively. The primary data of this study are taken from the novella based on the theory of frustration and self-adjustment. The instrument that is used is the researcher. The process of analyzing the data uses interactive model proposed by Miles and Hubermann.
The findings of the consists of four points. Firstly, the types of Roger’s Frustration as a major character belong to personal frustration. In the novella, he suffered from personal frustration because he had lost his spirit to write. Secondly, the cause that made him frustrated was the loss of his greatest stories. Thirdly, the reflections of his frustration cover apathy, projection, sublimation, rationalization, regression, repression, and nomadism. Finally, his self-adjustment was signed by enhancing of his lower spirit to write a novel again. He wanted to be a great writer and produced better stories.
It is suggested that using this novella can enrich reading material for teachers as a new material for teaching reading. This novella can be used as a source for teaching reading because it has a good story line to be read by students. Therefore, this novella has to be simplified for each chapter by teachers in order to make easiness for students to read. The good point of this novella for teaching reading are that it presents content which is familiar and of interest to students. In addition, this novella does not only have an interesting topic but also a good conflict from each character.
Penulis Utama
Ratna Ernawati
Penulis Tambahan
An analysis of frustration and self-adjustment as experienced by Roger Hancock in the novella “the strange country” by Ernest Hemingway (a psychological approach) and its implication for teaching reading
Surakarta - FKIP - 2007
Program Studi
S-1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
UNS-FKIP Jur. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris-K.2202530-2007