This research is a descriptive qualitative study. It is focused on the politeness strategy in directive utterance and quality of translation of directive utterance in bilingual children story book entitled Superkids Tales Collection. The aims of this research are (1) to identify the politeness strategy applied by the translator in translating the dialogues containing directive utterances. (2) to describe the translation quality of the directive utterances in term of accuracy and acceptability. This research applies purposive sampling technique. Superkids Tales Collection is chosen as the source of data with the directive sentences taken as the
data. The total data are 62 data. The other data are in the form of information taken from the result of questionnaire assessed by three raters. The analysis of politeness strategy shows that there are three strategiesused by the translator to translate the directive utterances, they are: a) bald on-record, b) positive politeness, and c)negative politeness. Those strategies are applied as single strategy or combination strategies. In the source text, there
are 44 (70,97%) data translated using single strategies and 18 (29,03%) data translated using combination strategies. while, in the target text, there are 42 (67,74%) data translated using single strategies and 20 (32,26%) data translated using combination strategies. The different culture makes the different strategy applied in the source text and in the target text.
The results of the research in terms of translation quality show that 53 (85,49%) data are accurate, 9 (14,51) data are less accurate, and there is no data belonging toinaccurate. The analysis on the acceptability level of translation shows that 61 (98,39%) data are counted as acceptable translation, 1 (1,61%) datum is counted as less acceptable translation, and there is no data belonging to unacceptable translation. From the findings, I conclude that the translation of Superkids Tales Collection has a good quality based on the score given by the raters. In this research, the application of appropriate strategies produces a good quality of
Keywords: directive speech acts, politeness strategies, translation of children’s
story books