Penulis Utama : Chinedu Cletus Agbo
NIM / NIP : S251708020

Achieving and sustaining global peace has been the most human challenge, and peace has remained elusive despite such bodies like the United Nations due to injustice by leaders. For the Igbo nation of Southeast Nigeria, just like a man is deemed impotent if unable  to  impregnate  a  woman  through  sexual  intercourse   a  leader?s powers  are impotent if unjust and so cannot engender peace. A leader is therefore as powerful to the extent he is just. This concept of justice which made the Igbo region the most peaceful in Nigeria is summed up in the proverb egbe bere ugo bere nke siri ibe ya e bela nku kwaa ya (Let the kite perch and the eagle perch but whichever that refuses the other to perch, may her wings break). This worldview was however sadly interrupted by the advent of colonialism cum Christianity. This study examines how the world can achieve peace with the Igbo concept of justice drawn from the proverb above and Igbo application of same in response to events with the Nigerian state. Proverbs are the heart of Igbo language and culture but have yet to receive needed academic attention and so have remained under-researched. Thus the importance of this study because culture is people?s way of life and the easiest way of making people do things unforced is through what concerns their life, and none is  better than culture. This research uses qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Both primary and secondary sources of data are analysed qualitatively using Interactive Analytical Model.

Results showed that in word and deed, equality, equity and truth are core features of Igbo concept of justice through which the Igbo have achieved peace for their nation unlike its Christian/western/global counterpart which has the tripod conquest concepts of slavery, colonialism and war. Results also showed that unlike in the past, leaders are now more corrupt and dishonest. The Igbo concept of justice also aligns with t he sociological concepts of Alfred Shutz?s phenomenological method  Blumer?s interactionism cum definition of the situation by William Thomas, and also the researcher?s propounded theory of mmad?ka, Sociology of Need. This is the fact that we are nothing without other people. Everyone needs someone for self actualisation; for influence. Hence, like teachers need students to worth their title as teachers, so do the leaders need their subjects. Understanding this concept by world powers like especially Igbo leaders of the old did, saves all from injustices and attendant revolts. This research recommends adoption of Igbo concept of justice by world powers for achieving and sustaining global peace.

Keywords: Igbo, Justice, Impotence of Power, Global Peace

Penulis Utama : Chinedu Cletus Agbo
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : S251708020
Tahun : 2019
Judul : Achieving Global Peace Through the IGBO Concept of Justice
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - Pascasarjana - 2019
Program Studi : S-2 Sosiologi
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-Pascasarjana Prodi Sosiologi-S251708020-2019
Kata Kunci : Igbo, Justice, Impotence of Power, Global Peace
Jenis Dokumen : Tesis
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Dr R. B Soemanto, M. A
2. Dr. Ahmad Zuber, S.Sos., DEA
Penguji :
Catatan Umum : Lamp unpublish
Fakultas : Sekolah Pascasarjana
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