Penulis Utama : Badi’atul Azmina
NIM / NIP : S891702004

This research aims to: (1) identify what teachers think, know, and believe about teaching English using CALL regarding classroom technique, teacher’s role, and students’ roles, (2) investigate teachers cognition on teaching English using CALL reflected in the classroom, and (3) find out whether there is discrepancy between teacher cognition and practices on teaching English using CALL in the classroom and describe factors contributing to the discrepancy.

This research is case study focusing on teacher cognition on using CALL to teach English. The research conducted in Literal Reading (T.1), Speaking for Academic Purposes (T.2), and “Go-Digital” talent scouting extracurricular program (T.3). The participants of the research were the teachers and students. Data were collected through interview, observation, document analysis. Member checking was done to check the validity of the data.

The data showed that teachers’ cognitions on classroom technique, teacher’s roles, and students’ roles were vary according to the context of the classroom. The teachers’ roles were as application seeker, instructor, selector of materials and activities, facilitator, guide, and evaluator. Thus, students’ roles were as independent and autonomous learner, explorer of application, active-interactive learners, and user. Discrepancies found on classroom technique and students’ roles. Factors contributing to the discrepancy were teacher’s experience of CALL as language learners which shaped the cognition, students’ lack of motivation, the need of blended learning, students’ factor, time limitation, and challenges in developing student independence in learning, self-regulated learning, autonomous learning to have online learning.


KeywordsTeacher Cognition, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Classroom Practices, English Language Teaching.