Translating Encyclopedia Entitled “Breathing: How We Use Air” from English into Indonesian in Department of Archieves and Region Library of Karanganyar, English Diploma Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University. The objective of thisreport is to explain the writer’s internship activity. This report was written based on internship conducted in Department of Archieves and Regional Library of Karanganyar during July 25?????, 2017 –September 4?????, 2017. There was one activity of the translating during the internship program. There is translating encyclopedia book. In order to produce good result of translation, there were three processes applied when translating. The procedures are analysing, transferring, and restructuring. There were some problems faced during translating the encyclopedia. The problems were the difficult words and science terms. The writer also presents the solutions to overcome the problems. They were: looking for the unfamiliar words or terms in the dictionary or the internet, asking help from friends, and asking help from the proof reader to re-check the translation.