Water is the absolute need for human life in the world. In fulfilling the needs of
the water, people use various technologies that developed parallel with the
changes of the age. The fulfillment of the needs of the irrigation water in Ngawi
district still less, so that the effort to the improvement of infrastructure and
irrigation facilities are very important to continue to be done to ensure the
efficiency of the water resources usage. Because it is needed to be done an
evaluation of the network conditions ground water in Ngawi district.
The method used in this research is a descriptive and quantitative, where the data
of the research results are processed and then analyzed to be concluded with a
survey conditions in 107 location, analyze each location, evaluate the condition of
the ground water irrigation network and determine the coordinates of each
The results of research done by survey each location ground water irrigation
network in Ngawi district, obtained primary data in the form of the latest
condition each component of the ground water irrigation network (well, machine,
pumps, house of pump, pipeline and box divider). From the survey also can be
known still operational or already does not operate on each location ground water
irrigation network. From the recapitulation of the ground water irrigation network
survey Ngawi district there are 58 locations that are still in operation and 30 that
are not in operation. This is because damage to critical components (wells,
engines, pumps and house of pump) and can be evaluated most of the damage
occurred in the irrigation network components are pipelines and box dividers.
From the survey results 107 locations ground water irrigation network in Ngawi
district, recorded 89 points coordinates of the location. There are 18 groundwater
irrigation network location that is not found in the field.
Keywords: Irrigation, groundwater, point coordinates