Analyse the brand loyalty at custumers service PT. International Astra tbk Daihatsu Solo.
Penulis Utama
R. Rr. Agustine Pratiwi.
PT. INTERNATIONAL ASTRA TBK DAIHATSU represent the company of prepared of service car in Indonesia. In this time out for company design the strategy by giving amenity which can be enjoyed, by service its newest that is part 24 clock, super service quickly 59 minute, contract the service, and mobile service. Thereby Daihatsu will assign value more for every service so that can gratify all custumer.
For company, owning consumer which loyal or devoted to brand marketed represent the target which wish reached on a long term. Therefore, company will try to use various strategy which can maintain the consumer in order not to make a move to other;dissimilar merk.
this Research target is to know the storey;level of loyalitas consumer to brand Daihatsu. This Research conducted in PT. INTERNATIONAL ASTRA TBK DAIHATSU SOLO which have location in Jl. Picturesque Great of New Solo. Method data collecting used is interview, kuesioner and also bibliography study. Interview conducted when conducting magang work in Daihatsu, sampel in this research that is all custumer of service Daihatsu conducting service more than 1 times. Research conducted to 100 custumer as sampel research and use the method of convenience sampling.
Descriptive analysis for the identity of responder according to some category, that is gender, age, work, last education and others. Method used by using international scale.
Descriptive analysis brand loyalty also divided to become 5 level that is Switcher as much ( 12%), Habitual Buyer as much ( 41%), Satisfied Buyer ( 88%), Liking The Brand ( 89%), and Committed Buyer ( 32%). Method used by using scale likers. Become according to the analysis from 100 responder express that they not like to flit to other;dissimilar service brand although only some of just minimizing. As well as most of 100 responder take a fancy to and satisfy to service of service Daihatsu. Thereby most of the responder have become the custumer of Loyal Daihatsu.
Hence suggestion for the company of to can to maintain the loyalitas consumer for example by improving service quality, braiding contiguity with the custumer one of them is by opening channel of customer care which can accomodate all sigh and consumer desire.
Keynote : Brand loyalty that strong very obliged to the company because possible littled attack from other the company.
Penulis Utama
R. Rr. Agustine Pratiwi.
Penulis Tambahan
Analyse the brand loyalty at custumers service PT. International Astra tbk Daihatsu Solo.
Surakarta - F. Ekonomi - 2009
Program Studi
D-3 Manajemen Pemasaran
UNS-F. Ekonomi Jur. Manajemen Pemasaran-F.3206136-2009
Kata Kunci
Jenis Dokumen
Laporan Tugas Akhir (D III)
Link DOI / Jurnal
Catatan Umum
Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
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