Penulis Utama | : | Puji Wahyuningsih |
NIM / NIP | : | K2216051 |
Puji Wahyuningsih. K2216051. THE REPRESENTATION OF THE MULTICULTURAL VALUES IN THE INDONESIAN OFFICIAL EFL TEXTBOOK: A CONTENT ANALYSIS. First Supervisor: Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih, M.Ed., Ph.D. Second Supervisor: Teguh Sarosa, SS., M. Hum. Thesis. Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty. Sebelas Maret University. November 2020.
Although cultural content analysis in the textbook is conducted widely, in Indonesia, multicultural values are still under-researched. For this reason, this study is aimed at: 1) uncovering the multicultural values in the Indonesian official EFL textbook for 10th grade of Senior High School entitled “Bahasa Inggris” that sometimes, are unnoticed by both teachers and students in ELT classroom, and 2) describing the media representing the multicultural values in the examined textbook. Another contribution of this study is that findings in such contexts foster the language textbook writers to provide more multicultural values in order to promote the multicultural knowledge to the students.
This study belongs to a content analysis since it analyzes textbook in case of multicultural content. The technique of collecting data in this study are document analysis (verbal and non-verbal texts) and questionnaire. The verbal texts refer to the texts and passages presented in the textbook and the non-verbal texts refer to the photographs and images portrayed in the textbook. In ensuring the trustworthiness, this study uses data triangulation (texts and questionnaire), methodological triangulation (document analysis and questionnaire) and member check. The questionnaire is distributed to two professional EFL teachers.
The result in this study shows that: 1) The examined textbook represents all the four multicultural values even though in an imbalance portion of each value. The fourth multicultural value “appreciation of cultural products” is depicted dominantly in the textbook. 2) There are two media (visual and textual media) representing the multicultural values. Pictures that belong to the visual medium, have the highest frequency in comparison to the other media.
This study implies that the textbook still can be used for teaching culture. The textbook, however, needs to represent the multicultural values in a balance portion. Several suggestions are intended for: textbook writers, to insert more cultural content; teachers, to pay more attention on the media which possibly represent multicultural values; and students, to learn more in order to promote the EFL learners’ cultural awareness.
Keywords: Multicultural Values, Content Analysis, Visual Media, Textual Media