There were main activities and three secondary activities I did during the internship. The main activities were translating linguistic text entitled Power, Solidarity and (Im) politeness from The Palgrave Handbook of Linguistic and literary text entitled Innovation for development and poverty reduction: an integrative literature from English to Indonesian. The problems I met during the translation process were translating difficult words, sentences and unfamiliar specific terms. I did many ways to solve the problems. The ways were using online dictionaries, looking for parallel references, and asking for suggestion and guidance from my internship supervisor. Secondary activities were writing an essay entitled ‘Little Boy dan Fat Man: Senjata Pemusnah Massal Pertama Penutup Perang Dunia ke-2’, translating brochure event of Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) about ICCA (International Conference on Culture Acculturation), and Joining 29th Anniversary Celebration of “Sanggar Sastra Jawa Yogyakarta” at Balai Bahasa Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.