Penulis Utama : Harmono
NIM / NIP : S850208011
× ABSTRAK This research aims for knowing : (1) Whether the model of type STAD and modification STAD studying to get result achievement study Mathematics better than direct studying model? (2) Whether the achievement study by high creativity resulting better achievement then low? (3) Whether the difference achievement of study with study consistent model in every category creativity and is the difference achievement study of lazy student creativity consistent categories in every study model? This research is quasi experimentation research by planning 3x3. The population on this research is student class X in twelve Islamic Senior High School in Ngawi. Taking the sample is done by Stratified Cluster Random Sampling. The sample consist of MAN Paron two classes, MAN Ngawi two classes , MA Al-Karomah Bringin Ngawi, as experiment class, and one class from MAN Paron, one class from MAN Ngawi, one class from MA Al-Karomah Bringin, as a control class. Hypothesis test use variances analysis two ways with different cell, by significant level 0.05. Before using variances analysis, is done normality test by Liliefors formula and variancy homogen by Barlett test. Normality test is done six times, such as student population by type STAD studying, student population directly, student population by high creativity, student population by medium creativity, and student population low creativity. The conclusion test is all of that have the normaly distribution. Homogen test varience done two times, such that homogen test between study group model and homogen test creativity category. The conclusion test is both group variance homogen population. Anava test research show that : (1) There are different achievement study of student who studying by modification of type STAD studying model, by type STAD studying model and by direct studying model. (2) There are different study achievement of student between student who have high creativity, medium, and low. (3) There is no interaction between studying model by student studying creativity category. From double comparation test average between row with Schaffer formula is gotten conclusion : (1) F1-2 is received its mean Mathematics achievement student by modification of studying STAD model equals mathematics Islamic Senior High School studying student, (2) F1-3 is refused means that mathematics achievement of student by modification of STAD type studying model better with direct of studying achievement model. (3) F2-3 is refused it means achievement study of student by type STAD studying model is better than direct studying model. From double comparative test average between column with Schaffe formula concluded: (1) F1-2 is received mean that Mathematics achievement studying by high creativity equals with medium creativity studying achievement, F1-3 received mean. Mathematics achievement studying of low creativity, (3) F2-3 refused mean that mathematics achievement studying on medium creativity better from Mathematics achievement studying of medium creativity. Based on explanation it is concluded that: (1) Mathematics achievement studying by modification of using type STAD studying model and STAD type is the same, Mathematics achievement studying by using modification of STAD type achievement studying better from direct studying and Mathematics achievement studying by using type STAD studying model better than direct. (2) Mathematics achievement studying student on high and medium creativity is the same, mathematics achievement studying student on high creativity and low is same, and mathematics achievement studying on medium creativity is better than low. (3) Mathematics achievement studying from each model is the same/consistent on each creativity category studying and mathematics achievement studying from each creativity category studying is the same with each model studying.
Penulis Utama : Harmono
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : S850208011
Tahun : 2009
Judul : Eksperimentasi pembelajaran kooperatif tipe stad dan tipe stad yang dimodifikasi pada materi logika matematika terhadap hasil prestasi belajar matematika ditinjau dari kreativitas belajar siswa Madrasah Aliyah di kabupaten Ngawi
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - Pasca Sarjana - 2009
Program Studi : S-2 Pendidikan Matematika
Kolasi :
Sumber : UNS-Pasca Sarjana Prodi. Pendidikan Matematika-S850208011-2009
Kata Kunci :
Jenis Dokumen : Tesis
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Dr. Mardiyana, M. Si
2. Dr. Mardiyana, M. Si
Penguji :
Catatan Umum : 1840/2009
Fakultas : Sekolah Pascasarjana
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