Penulis Utama : Frenny
NIM / NIP : F1304253
× ABSTRAK Performance measurement represent one of the appliance control the company with purpose to motivate the employees in reaching what desired by the company. Balanced Scorecard is management system weared as central framework in so many important process manajerial like individual goal setting and team, the gift of feed back strategis, enableness employees and also the growth of climate learn. Balanced Scorecard show the existence of connective performance measurement between measurement of performance finansial and non finansial. RSUD Pandan Arang Kab. Boyolali represent one of the public sector organization in health service to society. As public sector organization RSUD Pandan Arang Kab. Boyolali have the performance measurement submitted to Local Government which tend to to major the accuracy of budget usage by finansial and performance measurement submitted to Public Health Service felt less informative. This research done by comparing performance measurement done by RSUD Pandan Arang Kab. Boyolali with the performance measurement use the concept of Balanced Scorecard. The result of analysis show the performance measurement with Balanced Scorecard concept better than performance measurement done by RSUD Pandan Arang Kab. Boyolali. Result of performance measurement done by RSUD Pandan Arang Kab. Boyolali have total score 1from 10 variable with the score mean 0,1 while performance measurement with the Balanced Scorecard concept have total score 5 from 12 variable with the mean 0,417. Keyword : BALANCED SCORECARD