Improving the students’ vocabulary mastery through outdoor activity (A Classroom Action Research on the Fifth Grade Students of SD Negeri Pereng 2 Karanganyar in Academic Year 2008- 2009)
Penulis Utama
Sri Suyanti
This study is based on the problem of low vocabulary mastery of the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Pereng 2 in academic year 2008/2009. The objective of this research is to improve students’ vocabulary mastery using outdoor activity technique. It also identifies how far outdoor activity can improve the students motivation in learning English. How can it improve the students vocabulary mastery and how it can be implemented effectively, and what the student’s response toward outdoor activity is.
The collaborative classroom action research was conducted by the researcher from August, 2008 to December 2008 to the fifth grade students of SD Negeri Pereng 2. There were 29 students as the sample of the research. In this research, the researcher taught vocabulary using Outdoor Activity technique. Outdoor activity is an educational activity in which a school group leaves the classroom and goes out into the community to the actual source of information. Outdoor activity carries two important factors; firstly, it provides opportunity for pupils to make connection between theory and textbook material they learn in classroom and real life situation, outdoor education, therefore, would encourage pupils to review textbook critically based on their own experience in the field. Secondly, pupils would gain firsthand experience through outdoor education, which would contribute to raising pupils’ awareness about the local environment.
The procedures of this research consisted of identification, planning, action, observation and reflection.The researcher conducted two cycles of action. There were great improvements resulted from conducting the action. The result of the action showed that the students’ vocabulary mastery improved as shown in the result of both the observation of students’ activities during the actions and the results of the pre-test and the post-test mean scores. The pre-test mean score was 58, 35.increasing to 68, 21in the post-test. There were also improvements in students’ motivation in learning English and students’ behavior. During the action, the students paid good participation to the lesson. It was proven by their activeness in doing all the assignments. They could collaborate well with other students and fully participated in the lesson.
Therefore, it can be concluded that teaching vocabulary using outdoor activity can overcome students’ problem in mastering vocabulary. In addition, outdoor activity can improve students’ vocabulary mastery, enhance their cooperative skills, and improve their participation in learning English.
Penulis Utama
Sri Suyanti
Penulis Tambahan
Improving the students’ vocabulary mastery through outdoor activity (A Classroom Action Research on the Fifth Grade Students of SD Negeri Pereng 2 Karanganyar in Academic Year 2008- 2009)
Surakarta - FKIP - 2009
Program Studi
S-1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
UNS-FKIP Prodi. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris-K.2204055-2009