Penulis Utama : Bagus Iman Brilianto
NIM / NIP : S931702001

Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression (PLDD) is a minimally invasive procedure for disc herniation that is known to be faster and effective. This retrospective study is analytic observational. The study was conducted at the Regional General Hospital dr. Moewardi Surakarta. Subjects were patients who had PLDD from January 2020 to December 2020 with total sample of 30 respondents. Evaluation of the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and The Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) was performed before the PLDD action was carried out, 1 month, and 3 months after. The Macnab criteria was evaluated 3 months after the PLDD action. There was a significant difference in VAS ??between before and after PLDD, 1 month, and 3 months. There was a significant difference in the ODI score before and after 1 month and 3 months, but not in the ODI value after 1 month and 3 months. Twenty patients (66.7%)  showed good good satisfaction following PLDD with Macnab criteria. The significant improvement in VAS of patients with lumbar disc herniation after PLDD were directly as a result of decreasing intradiscal pressure due to vaporization by laser energy, especially in the herniated area and tissue pressure. As the pain subsided, ODI scores in this patients would improve. PLDD in patients with intact lumbar disc herniation led to a significant improvement in VAS and ODI scores. PLDD can be used as an option in the management of patients with low back pain due to an intact lumbar disc herniation.

Penulis Utama : Bagus Iman Brilianto
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : S931702001
Tahun : 2021
Judul : Evaluasi Nilai Visual Analogue Scale, Oswestry Disability Index, dan Kriteria Mancab Pasca Tindakan Percutaneous Laser Disc Decompression (PLDD) terhadap Tipe Herniasi Diskus Lumbal di RSUD DR. MOEWARDI Surakarta.
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - Fak. Kedokteran - 2021
Program Studi : PPDS Orthopaedi
Kolasi :
Sumber : .
Kata Kunci : Lumbar disc herniation, PLDD, VAS, ODI Score
Jenis Dokumen : Tesis
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. dr. Rieva Ermawan, Sp.OT(K)
2. dr. Romaniyanto, Sp.OT(K)
3. Dr. dr. Bintang Soetjahjo, Sp.OT(K)
Penguji : 1. dr. Rieva Ermawan, Sp.OT(K)
2. dr. Romaniyanto, Sp.OT(K)
3. Dr. dr. Bintang Soetjahjo, Sp.OT(K)
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Fak. Kedokteran
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