ABSTRAK Purpose of this research is to description and analyses: ( 1) social network formed between bream farmers in Desa Luwung with stakeholder which is related; ( 2) reason of bream farmer in Desa Luwung forms social network. Form of this research applies qualitative research approach. Research strategy of case study. Data source gotten from: (1) research subject that is member of bream farmer social network in Luwung (2) place and event, that is agricultural activity of fish in Desa Luwung, and (3) document applied in the form of monography Desa Luwung and photograph. Sampling technique applies purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Data collecting technique applied, that is: (1) in-depth interview technique (In-depth interview); (2) participant observation; (3) document analysis. Validity test applied is: trianggulation of source, trianggulation of technique, review informan and Focus Group Discussion. Data which collected analysed with interaktif model started with collecting data, reduction of data, viewed data and conclusion withdrawal. From research result done made sosiogram to depict the relation of between members in fish farmer social network in Luwung. Based on this inferential research: (1) forming of bream farmer social network based: (a) its historical, was growed since year 1930 but have time to experience finite ebb of year 1960 and rapidlies grow after the year 2003; ( b) way of its forming, be by the way of nonformal is formed x'self by farmer as according to its capacities and formal (by organization) but has not been realized in Desa Luwung; (c) based on condition of its forming is three, first that is there are actor who amounts to minimizing nine that is farmer, other farmer, equipment seller, chicken dirt seller, feed seller of fish, fish seed seller, merchant, organization, and consumer. Secondly that is there are tying between business perpetrator. Third condition that is there are peripatetic current in network. (2) bream farmer social network is formed by equation of purpose of to reach maximum result for business each member of stakeholder. But in business to reach maximum result there is limitation of ability. Therefore member of stakeholder does cooperation with other party to can reach result wanted. Cooperation would continuously take place when each member of network feels gets many benefits from cooperation which has taken place. duration of Relationship intertwining that can take place stripper even can up to the next generation. On the contrary if when cooperation done not to bring advantage hence the relationship will be broken.