Penulis Utama : Joni Fitra
NIM / NIP : S941808010
× Landslide is the primary driver of the denudational process and sediment source 
dominantly onsite. Landslides are one of the most disastrous effects in Taiwan; 
groundwater or flood erosion is highly attributed to the landslide. The slope dip angle and 
water-induced slope cause increased driving force and decreased resisting force, causing 
a slope landslide. This condition generally affects slope stability to the understanding 
effect of dip angle attributed to the landslide. In this study, we attempt to consider the 
uncertainty of the dip angle in slope stability analysis. The dip angles employed in this 
study were based on Highway no. 3 sliding events in Taiwan. Four different measurement 
sources, i.e., Central Geological Survey (C.G.S., Taiwan), Compass measurement before 
the sliding event, Surface measurement after the event, and LiDAR-derived data, were 
employed in this study.
Four methods were employed to analyze attributed dip angle to the landslide, i.e., 
Limit Equilibrium, monte Carlo simulation, Point estimate method (P.E.M), and 3DEC 
software simulation. In this research, the Monte Carlo simulation was used to quantify 
the effect of the geological uncertainty. Various dip angles (with mean and standard 
deviation) were employed to generate 100000 dip angle samples. 
The limit equilibrium was used to quantify the safety factor of each measurement dip 
angle in the condition of no cohesion, no anchor, and no water pressure effect. The point 
estimate method was used to predict the probability of displacement length, displacement 
width, and debris volume. The point estimates method also predicts the risk of 
displacement length to the building in two scenarios applied. 3DEC software was used to 
simulate the simplified model 100m by 100m by 100m were cut off by dip angle of each 
measurement and various joint spacing.
Limit equilibrium results show that the LiDAR measurement source provides the 
highest safety factor of the slope due to the lowest dip angle. Monte Carlo simulation 
results show LiDAR Measurement Source provides the lowest failure probability of 
16.9%, and Central Geological Survey (C.G.S., Taiwan) Measurement provides the 
highest failure probability of 78%. 3DEC simulation shows the effect of damping factor, 
dip angle, and joint spacing on the displacement length, displacement width, debris 
volume, and mechanical time of debris to stabilize. The point estimate method (PEM) 
shows that the LiDAR measurement source provides the lowest probability of 17% of the 
debris reaching the building at a distance of 50 meters and probability 0% of the building 
at a distance of 200 meters for all measurement methods. 
Finally, the risk might be unacceptable for the building at a distance of 50 meters from 
the slope toe because probability has not reached 0% and expense much money. The risk 
might be acceptable for the building's minimum distance of 150meters. Further, the 
measured dip angles were converted to the projected dip angle based on the plane's strike. 
Therefore, based on the engineering design concept, if the design is performed using the 
C.G.S. data, the engineering design must be very conservative compared to the design 
using the LiDAR data
Penulis Utama : Joni Fitra
Penulis Tambahan : -
NIM / NIP : S941808010
Tahun : 2022
Judul : Landslide Risk Analysis Subject to Geological Uncertainty a viewpoint from a simplified model
Edisi :
Imprint : Surakarta - Pascasarjana - 2022
Program Studi : S-2 Teknik Sipil
Kolasi :
Sumber :
Kata Kunci : Geological model uncertainty, Slope stability, Plane orientation, Joint distributions, Risk analysis
Jenis Dokumen : Tesis
Link DOI / Jurnal : -
Status : Public
Pembimbing : 1. Prof. Yusep Muslih Purwana, ST, MT, Ph.D
2. Dr. Bambang Setiawan ST, MT
Penguji : 1. Ir. Ary Setyawan, M.Sc, pH.D
2. Prof. Jui-Pin Wang
Catatan Umum :
Fakultas : Sekolah Pascasarjana
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